Transparencia corporativa en el sector financiero
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El sistema financiero es considerado como uno de los sectores donde se presentan los
mayores problemas de asimetría de información, esto debido a que son las entidades financieras
las que conocen con mayor precisión la situación real de la empresa, y siendo el cliente y los
inversionistas los que mayor necesidad tienen de tener una información clara, precisa y
Dentro del sector financiero, la credibilidad supone que las entidades financieras
transparenten sus prácticas de gestión y de gobierno corporativo de modo que estás sean
difundidas con el propósito de mitigar los riesgos por parte de los inversionistas y los clientes
tanto para depósitos como para préstamos.
Es así como la transparencia corporativa se presenta como un medio para explicar todas
las fuentes de valor de las empresas, donde se busca la disponibilidad oportuna de la
información, para generar confianza y reducir los problemas de asimetría de información.
En el Perú existen estudios previos sobre la transparencia corporativa dirigidos al sector
bancario y microfinanciero, por lo que, el presente estudio busca complementar los estudios bajo
el desarrollo de un índice de transparencia corporativa para el sector financiero, tomando como
referencia la información publicada en los principales sitios web de las entidades financieras.
El estudio ha sido realizado bajo un enfoque de investigación de tipo cuantitativo,
alcance descriptivo no experimental, aplicado a una muestra de 14 empresa financieras reguladas
por la Superintendencia de Banca y Seguros para el año 2020, en base al manual de construcción
de indicadores compuestos de la Organización para la Cooperación y Desarrollo Económico.
Dentro de los resultados obtenidos se encontró un alto cumplimiento por parte del sector
financiero en cuanto a la transparencia corporativa, siendo los dominios de información
financiera, gobierno corporativo y responsabilidad social los que alcanzaron mejores resultados,
y el dominio de empresa financiera el que alcanzo el menor desempeño.
The financial system is considered one of the sectors where the greatest problems of information asymmetry occur, this is due to the fact that it is the financial entities that know with greater precision the real situation of the company, and it is the client and the investors who they have the greatest need for clear, accurate and reliable information. Within the financial sector, credibility means that financial institutions make their management and corporate governance practices transparent so that they are disseminated in order to mitigate investment risk by investors and their clients. for both deposits and loans. Thus, corporate transparency is presented as a means to explain all the sources of value of companies, considered this as a determining element in the efficient allocation of resources and where the timely availability of information is sought to generate trust and reduce costs. information asymmetry problems. In Peru, there are previous studies on corporate transparency directed at the banking and microfinance sector, so this study seeks to complement previous studies under the development of a corporate transparency index for the financial sector, taking as a reference the public information of the entities published on the portals and main websites of regulatory entities. The study has been carried out under a quantitative research approach, non-experimental descriptive scope, applied to a sample of 14 financial companies regulated by the Superintendency of Banking and Insurance for the year 2020, where the corporate transparency index has been developed to the financial sector based on the manual for the construction of composite indicators of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Among the results obtained, high compliance was found by the financial sector in terms of corporate transparency, being the Financial Information and Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility domains the ones that achieved the best results, and the Financial Company domain the one that reached the lower performance.
The financial system is considered one of the sectors where the greatest problems of information asymmetry occur, this is due to the fact that it is the financial entities that know with greater precision the real situation of the company, and it is the client and the investors who they have the greatest need for clear, accurate and reliable information. Within the financial sector, credibility means that financial institutions make their management and corporate governance practices transparent so that they are disseminated in order to mitigate investment risk by investors and their clients. for both deposits and loans. Thus, corporate transparency is presented as a means to explain all the sources of value of companies, considered this as a determining element in the efficient allocation of resources and where the timely availability of information is sought to generate trust and reduce costs. information asymmetry problems. In Peru, there are previous studies on corporate transparency directed at the banking and microfinance sector, so this study seeks to complement previous studies under the development of a corporate transparency index for the financial sector, taking as a reference the public information of the entities published on the portals and main websites of regulatory entities. The study has been carried out under a quantitative research approach, non-experimental descriptive scope, applied to a sample of 14 financial companies regulated by the Superintendency of Banking and Insurance for the year 2020, where the corporate transparency index has been developed to the financial sector based on the manual for the construction of composite indicators of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Among the results obtained, high compliance was found by the financial sector in terms of corporate transparency, being the Financial Information and Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility domains the ones that achieved the best results, and the Financial Company domain the one that reached the lower performance.
Transparencia corporativa--Perú, Instituciones financieras--Perú