Danza fusión a través de la marinera norteña: Estudio del laboratorio de composición coreográfica y análisis del lenguaje corporal MAFU
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este estudio se centra en la exploración de la danza de fusión a través de la marinera norteña,
un baile tradicional del norte del Perú. El objetivo principal es analizar cómo los bailarines
con formación en diversos estilos, como salsa, break dance, danza contemporánea y street
jazz, incorporan elementos característicos de la marinera norteña en sus actuaciones, creando
así propuestas coreográficas innovadoras. El laboratorio de investigación y composición
coreográfica MAFU ha sido fundamental en este proceso al permitir que los bailarines
combinen su lenguaje corporal adquirido previamente con la enseñanza de la marinera
norteña, fusionando elementos de esta tradición con otros estilos de danza.
Mediante esta investigación se busca contribuir al campo de la danza de fusión, explorando
nuevas posibilidades y ampliando los horizontes artísticos al fusionar la tradición cultural de
la marinera norteña con otros estilos de danza. MAFU representa un espacio de innovación
en la danza que promueve la apreciación y difusión de esta expresión artística única y
This study focuses on the exploration of fusion dance through the marinera norteña, a traditional dance from northern Peru. The main objective is to analyze how dancers with training in various styles, such as salsa, break dance, contemporary dance, and street jazz, incorporate characteristic elements of the marinera norteña into their performances, thus creating innovative choreographic proposals. The MAFU research and choreographic composition laboratory has been crucial in this process by allowing dancers to combine their previously acquired body language with the teaching of the marinera norteña, fusing elements of this tradition with other dance styles. This research aims to contribute to the field of fusion dance by exploring new possibilities and expanding artistic horizons through the fusion of the cultural tradition of the marinera norteña with other dance styles. MAFU represents a space for innovation in dance that promotes the appreciation and dissemination of this unique and vibrant artistic expression.
This study focuses on the exploration of fusion dance through the marinera norteña, a traditional dance from northern Peru. The main objective is to analyze how dancers with training in various styles, such as salsa, break dance, contemporary dance, and street jazz, incorporate characteristic elements of the marinera norteña into their performances, thus creating innovative choreographic proposals. The MAFU research and choreographic composition laboratory has been crucial in this process by allowing dancers to combine their previously acquired body language with the teaching of the marinera norteña, fusing elements of this tradition with other dance styles. This research aims to contribute to the field of fusion dance by exploring new possibilities and expanding artistic horizons through the fusion of the cultural tradition of the marinera norteña with other dance styles. MAFU represents a space for innovation in dance that promotes the appreciation and dissemination of this unique and vibrant artistic expression.
Danza moderna, Marinera, Danzas populares y nacionales--Perú, Lenguaje corporal
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