Planeamiento estratégico para el sistema de empresas financieras 2016-2025
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis desarrolla el plan estratégico del sector de empresas financieras
peruano, sector que se considera muy potente para el desarrollo del sistema financiero
nacional, ya que sus servicios están orientados a atender al sector socio económico menos
desarrollado y con una cultura financiera en proceso de formación.
La metodología empleada se basó en la revisión bibliográfica, así como publicaciones
de actualidad, artículos académicos, bases de datos de interés nacional, mediante las cuales se
pudo formar un criterio de análisis para el presente documento. Para llevar a cabo el plan
estratégico se utilizó la estructura definida por D’Alessio (2015) en su libro El proceso
estratégico: un enfoque de gerencia.
El presente plan estratégico se desarrolla en base a los siguientes temas: (a) situación
general del sistema de empresas financieras, (b) planteamiento de la visión, misión, valores y
código de ética; (c) análisis externo, (d) análisis interno, (e) intereses del sector de empresas
financieras peruanas y objetivos de largo plazo; (f) proceso estratégico, (g) implementación
estratégica, (h) evaluación estratégica, (i) análisis de la competitividad del sector bancario
El presente plan estratégico han sido definidas 11 estrategias y 4 objetivos de largo
plazo, los cuales desarrollan diversas áreas de aprovechamiento del sector de empresas
financieras en el Perú; con lo cual se espera potenciar su crecimiento y ayudar al desarrollo
de los mercados financieros que conforman los niveles socio económicos C, D y E mediante
la educación financiera, una mayor penetración de mercado y desarrollo de productos
innovadores apoyados de las nuevas tecnologías
This thesis develops the strategic plan of Peruvian financial corporate sector, a sector that is considered very powerful for the development of the domestic financial system because its services are aimed at addressing the socio-economic sector, less developed and a financial culture in the process of training. The methodology used was based on the literature review and current publications, academic articles, databases of national interest, through which could form a criterion of analysis for this document. To carry out the strategic plan the structure defined by Professor Fernando A. Dalessio Ipinza in his book The strategic process, a management approach was used. This strategic plan is developed based on the following topics: (a) General situation System of Financial Enterprises; (B) The approach of the vision, mission, values and code of ethics; (C) External analysis; (D) Internal analysis; (E) Interest Peruvian financial companies and long-term objectives sector; (F) Strategic Process; (G) strategic implementation; (H) Strategic Assessment; (I) Analysis of the Peruvian banking sector's competitiveness. This strategic plan have been defined 11 strategies and 4 long-term goals, which develop various areas of use in the sector of financial companies in Peru, which is expected to boost growth and help develop financial markets that make levels C, D and E socioeconomic, through financial education, greater market penetration and development of innovative products supported by new technologies
This thesis develops the strategic plan of Peruvian financial corporate sector, a sector that is considered very powerful for the development of the domestic financial system because its services are aimed at addressing the socio-economic sector, less developed and a financial culture in the process of training. The methodology used was based on the literature review and current publications, academic articles, databases of national interest, through which could form a criterion of analysis for this document. To carry out the strategic plan the structure defined by Professor Fernando A. Dalessio Ipinza in his book The strategic process, a management approach was used. This strategic plan is developed based on the following topics: (a) General situation System of Financial Enterprises; (B) The approach of the vision, mission, values and code of ethics; (C) External analysis; (D) Internal analysis; (E) Interest Peruvian financial companies and long-term objectives sector; (F) Strategic Process; (G) strategic implementation; (H) Strategic Assessment; (I) Analysis of the Peruvian banking sector's competitiveness. This strategic plan have been defined 11 strategies and 4 long-term goals, which develop various areas of use in the sector of financial companies in Peru, which is expected to boost growth and help develop financial markets that make levels C, D and E socioeconomic, through financial education, greater market penetration and development of innovative products supported by new technologies
Instituciones financieras, Planificación estratégica
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