Modelo prolab: Nuna, una solución enfocada en servicios grupales de bienestar mental
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En Perú la salud mental es un problema grave que afecta a diversos segmentos de
personas, dado que un 1.7 millones de personas padecen de depresión, siendo esta la causa de
los suicidios en su mayoría (Sulca, 2016). Asimismo, el sistema de salud mental sufre de
grandes dolencias, debido a que, según el informe del Plan Nacional de Fortalecimiento de
Servicios de Salud Mental Comunitaria 2018 – 2021 (Minsa, 2018), tan solo una de cada
cinco personas con trastornos mentales consigue algún tipo de atención dada la poca oferta de
servicios de salud mental y la poca focalización en los procesos de recuperación de los
Por tanto, el problema social identificado es la falta de acceso a servicios integrales de
salud mental para personas entre 26 a 56 años, de Lima Metropolitana de los sectores A, B y
C y que presenten síntomas de ansiedad, estrés o depresión. En contraste, se propone una
solución llamada “Nuna” el cual significa “alma” en quechua, y busca brindar servicios de
bienestar mental, ya sea grupal o individual y en canales virtuales y/o presencial, mediante un
aplicativo móvil y página web. Siendo así que, Nuna se presenta como alternativa de fácil
acceso, con precios asequibles y suscripciones de acuerdo a las necesidades específicas.
Los resultados del análisis de viabilidad de la solución a cinco años demuestran que
Nuna es una solución viable financieramente, debido a que, genera un valor actual neto
económico (VANE) de S/3’676,965, un valor actual neto financiero (VANF) de
S/ 3’600,134, una tasa de interna de retorno (TIR) de 90%. Además, es sostenible al obtener
un VANS de S/ 3’485,411.11, un índice de relevancia del 70% sobre los ODS N° 3 y N° 8,
generando beneficios continuos a la sociedad y mercado objetivo.
In Peru, mental health is a serious problem that affects various segments of people, since 1.7 million people suffer from depression, this being the cause of suicides in the majority (Sulca, 2016). Likewise, the mental health system suffers from great ailments since according to the report of the National Plan for Strengthening Community Mental Health Services 2018 - 2021 (MINSA, 2018), just one in five people with mental disorders get some type of care given the little offer of mental health services and little focus on the recovery processes of users. Therefore, the social problem identified is the lack of access to comprehensive mental health services for people between the ages of 26 and 56, from Metropolitan Lima in sectors A, B and C and who present symptoms of anxiety, stress or depression. In contrast, a solution called "Nuna" is proposed, which means "soul" in quechua, and seeks to provide mental well being services, either in groups or individually and in virtual and/or face-to-face channels, through a mobile application and web page. That being the case, Nuna is presented as an easily accessible alternative, with affordable prices and subscriptions according to specific needs. The results of the viability analysis of the five-year solution show that Nuna is a financially viable solution since it generates an economic net present value (ENPV) of S/ 3’676,965, a financial net present value (FNPV) of S/ 3’600,134, an internal rate of return (IRR) of 90%. In addition, it is sustainable by obtaining a social net present value (SNPV) of S/ 3’485,411.11, a relevance index of 70% on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) No. 3 and 8, generating continuous benefits to society and the target market.
In Peru, mental health is a serious problem that affects various segments of people, since 1.7 million people suffer from depression, this being the cause of suicides in the majority (Sulca, 2016). Likewise, the mental health system suffers from great ailments since according to the report of the National Plan for Strengthening Community Mental Health Services 2018 - 2021 (MINSA, 2018), just one in five people with mental disorders get some type of care given the little offer of mental health services and little focus on the recovery processes of users. Therefore, the social problem identified is the lack of access to comprehensive mental health services for people between the ages of 26 and 56, from Metropolitan Lima in sectors A, B and C and who present symptoms of anxiety, stress or depression. In contrast, a solution called "Nuna" is proposed, which means "soul" in quechua, and seeks to provide mental well being services, either in groups or individually and in virtual and/or face-to-face channels, through a mobile application and web page. That being the case, Nuna is presented as an easily accessible alternative, with affordable prices and subscriptions according to specific needs. The results of the viability analysis of the five-year solution show that Nuna is a financially viable solution since it generates an economic net present value (ENPV) of S/ 3’676,965, a financial net present value (FNPV) of S/ 3’600,134, an internal rate of return (IRR) of 90%. In addition, it is sustainable by obtaining a social net present value (SNPV) of S/ 3’485,411.11, a relevance index of 70% on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) No. 3 and 8, generating continuous benefits to society and the target market.
Negocios--Planificación, Salud mental--Perú, Servicios digitales, Aplicaciones--Dispositivos móviles
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