Análisis de la percepción de la política pública de centros de atención residencial en el proceso de egreso por mayoría de edad
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El análisis de los procesos asociados a la política pública de los Centros de Acogida Residencial
(CAR) para los adolescentes próximos a egresar, al cumplir mayoría de edad de 18 años, revela
que se requiere realizar innovaciones de gerencia que entrañan incluso redimensionar los
derechos de los jóvenes que en su infancia y adolescencia quedaron a cargo del Estado pues
estos quedan en condiciones de vulnerabilidad frente a sus pares con hogares convencionales.
Metodológicamente, mediante una aproximación cualitativa y exploratoria, implica analizar si
estas medidas contempladas en el Decreto Legislativo 1297 se llevan a la práctica y, sobre todo,
si contribuyen a un egreso adecuado para los jóvenes dentro de su proceso de independización,
de acuerdo con la perspectiva de los adolescentes y jóvenes que viven o vivieron en cuidado
residencial y del personal encargado. Para esto, a través de una serie de entrevistas y revisión
documental se analizó la perspectiva, tanto al equipo técnico de los CAR, así como la valoración
de la población en proceso de egreso y egresados, bajo un enfoque de participación y autonomía.
El principal hallazgo es que los jóvenes no consideran tener una preparación adecuada para su
egreso del CAR y su independización, lo cual está posiblemente ligado al desconocimiento de
los miembros de los equipos técnicos de la normativa y sentido de los CAR. Finalmente, desde
la disciplina de gerencia social se recomienda implementar un plan de capacitación anual para
personal, establecer mesas de trabajo multidisciplinarias para revisar normativas, y desarrollar
programas de apoyo psicosocial personalizados. Además, se recomienda crear sistemas de
retroalimentación para alinear expectativas y realidades, asegurando una participación activa y
estratégica de todos los actores clave.
The analysis of the processes associated with the public policy of Residential Care Centers (CAR) for adolescents nearing their discharge upon reaching adulthood at 18 years old reveals that managerial innovations are needed, including redefining the rights of young people who were under state care during their childhood and adolescence, as they are left in vulnerable conditions compared to their peers with conventional homes. Methodologically, using a qualitative and exploratory approach, this involves analyzing whether these measures outlined in Legislative Decree 1297 are implemented and, importantly, whether they contribute to a proper discharge process for the youth in their journey towards independence, according to the perspectives of the adolescents and young people who live or have lived in residential care and the responsible staff. To this end, through a series of interviews and document reviews, the perspective of both the CAR technical team and the assessment of the population in the discharge process and those discharged were analyzed, with an approach focused on participation and autonomy. The main finding is that the youth do not consider themselves adequately prepared for their discharge from the CAR and their independence, which may be linked to a lack of awareness of the norms and purposes of the CAR among the members of the technical teams. Finally, from the field of social management, it is recommended to implement an annual training plan for staff, establish multidisciplinary working groups to review regulations, and develop personalized psychosocial support programs. Additionally, creating feedback systems to align expectations and realities is advised, ensuring active and strategic participation of all key stakeholders.
The analysis of the processes associated with the public policy of Residential Care Centers (CAR) for adolescents nearing their discharge upon reaching adulthood at 18 years old reveals that managerial innovations are needed, including redefining the rights of young people who were under state care during their childhood and adolescence, as they are left in vulnerable conditions compared to their peers with conventional homes. Methodologically, using a qualitative and exploratory approach, this involves analyzing whether these measures outlined in Legislative Decree 1297 are implemented and, importantly, whether they contribute to a proper discharge process for the youth in their journey towards independence, according to the perspectives of the adolescents and young people who live or have lived in residential care and the responsible staff. To this end, through a series of interviews and document reviews, the perspective of both the CAR technical team and the assessment of the population in the discharge process and those discharged were analyzed, with an approach focused on participation and autonomy. The main finding is that the youth do not consider themselves adequately prepared for their discharge from the CAR and their independence, which may be linked to a lack of awareness of the norms and purposes of the CAR among the members of the technical teams. Finally, from the field of social management, it is recommended to implement an annual training plan for staff, establish multidisciplinary working groups to review regulations, and develop personalized psychosocial support programs. Additionally, creating feedback systems to align expectations and realities is advised, ensuring active and strategic participation of all key stakeholders.
Orfanatos--Perú, Mayoría de edad--Perú, Políticas públicas--Perú
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