Una necesaria revisión a la protección contra el despido arbitrario sufrido por los trabajadores de confianza de la actividad privada, a propósito de la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional contenida en el Expediente N° 03501-2006-AA/TC
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Los trabajadores de confianza, en nuestra legislación nacional, así como en la doctrina interna
y comparada, reciben una regulación distinta a lo que podemos llamar el trabajador
``común´´. En esa línea, no ha habido una única línea jurisprudencial sobre el nivel de
protección o los efectos reparatorios que debe tener este grupo de trabajadores. Por ejemplo,
si deben o no recibir una indemnización a efectos del retiro de confianza y su posterior
separación de la empresa, organización o institución en la que laboren. A tal efecto, nuestro
ordenamiento jurídico brinda distintas opiniones y soluciones a partir de los conflictos que se
presentan sobre el particular. La norma nacional, además, brinda nociones sobre la regulación
de este grupo en los artículos 43° y 44° del Texto Único Ordenado de la Ley de Productividad
y Competitividad Laboral (en adelante, LPCL). Sin embargo, ¿las soluciones brindadas son
las mejores y más protectoras para esta clase de trabajadores? Para dar respuesta a ello, la
finalidad del presente trabajo de investigación es esclarecer la correcta o incorrecta
regulación que se ha venido dando a estos trabajadores, presentando críticas constructivas y
acordes a la normativa jurídica nacional e internacional.
Confidence workers, in our national legislation, as well as in internal and comparative doctrine, receive a different regulation than what we can call the "common" worker. Along these lines, there has not been a single line of case law on the level of protection or the remedial effects that this group of workers should have. For example, whether or not they should receive compensation for the purposes of the withdrawal of trust and their subsequent separation from the company, organization or institution in which they work. To this end, our legal system offers different opinions and solutions based on the conflicts that arise on the matter. The national standard also provides notions about the regulation of this group in articles 43 and 44 of the Single Ordered Text of the Labor Productivity and Competitiveness Law. However, are the solutions provided the best and most protective for this class of workers? To respond to this, the purpose of this research work is to clarify the correct or incorrect regulation that has been given to these workers, presenting constructive criticism and in accordance with national and international legal regulations.
Confidence workers, in our national legislation, as well as in internal and comparative doctrine, receive a different regulation than what we can call the "common" worker. Along these lines, there has not been a single line of case law on the level of protection or the remedial effects that this group of workers should have. For example, whether or not they should receive compensation for the purposes of the withdrawal of trust and their subsequent separation from the company, organization or institution in which they work. To this end, our legal system offers different opinions and solutions based on the conflicts that arise on the matter. The national standard also provides notions about the regulation of this group in articles 43 and 44 of the Single Ordered Text of the Labor Productivity and Competitiveness Law. However, are the solutions provided the best and most protective for this class of workers? To respond to this, the purpose of this research work is to clarify the correct or incorrect regulation that has been given to these workers, presenting constructive criticism and in accordance with national and international legal regulations.
Despido de empleados--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Derecho laboral--Jurisprudencia--Perú
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