Modelo prolab: “Qhatu”
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El tema central de esta tesis es el negocio social de la comercialización de hongos
comestibles en el Perú (variedad Setas Ostras). El problema social identificado se centra en la
condición de pobreza de los agricultores productores, pues cuentan con recursos económicos
limitados para superar tales condiciones.
La tesis propone crear un negocio social que promueva la producción y comercialización
de los hongos Setas Ostras en el mercado peruano y, en una segunda fase, en el mercado
internacional. Para lograr este objetivo, se propone desarrollar un sistema de trabajo, distribución
y aplicación móvil que promuevan el consumo de hongos comestibles en el Perú y publique
recetas saludables para incentivar el consumo de este producto.
En los siguientes capítulos se define el problema, se analiza el mercado de hongos
comestibles en Perú, se describe al usuario potencial y se presenta el diseño y modelo de negocio
de Qhatu junto con la solución propuesta. Para lograr una solución deseable, factible y viable, se
aplicó un cuestionario a más de 300 personas, una entrevista detallada a una productora de Setas
Ostras de Curahuasi y una entrevista con degustación presencial a 10 personas, donde se les
ofrecieron diversos platos que tenían como principal ingrediente el producto. Estas actividades
ofrecieron información valiosa que permitieron validar la deseabilidad, viabilidad y factibilidad
del negocio.
De esta manera, la propuesta de negocio impacta directamente en el objetivo de
desarrollo sostenible ODS 1: Poner fin a la pobreza en todas sus formas en todo el mundo.
Además, para un periodo de 5 años, se obtiene un VAN de S/ 10,820,217 en el escenario de
mercado nacional, y de S/ 13,633,317 en el escenario de mercado internacional. Asimismo, el
VAN social es S/. 2,325,525.
The central theme of this thesis is the social business of marketing edible mushrooms in Peru, specifically the Oyster mushroom variety. The identified social problem revolves around the poverty conditions faced by the agricultural producers, as they have limited economic resources to overcome these circumstances. The thesis proposes the creation of a social business that promotes the production and commercialization of Oyster mushrooms in the Peruvian market, and subsequently, in the international market as a second phase. To achieve this objective, the proposal suggests developing a work system, distribution channels, and a mobile application that promote the consumption of edible mushrooms in Peru and provide healthy recipes to incentivize the consumption of this product. The following chapters define the problem, analyze the market for edible mushrooms in Peru, describe the potential users, and present the design and business model of Qhatu along with the proposed solution. To ensure a desirable, feasible, and viable solution, a questionnaire was administered to over 300 individuals, a detailed interview was conducted with an Oyster mushroom producer from Curahuasi, and a tasting session was held with 10 individuals, where various dishes featuring the product as the main ingredient were offered. These activities provided valuable information that validated the desirability, feasibility, and viability of the business. In this way, the proposed business directly impacts the Sustainable Development Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere. Additionally, over a period of 5 years, a Net Present Value (NPV) of S/ 10,820,217 is projected in the domestic market scenario, and S/ 13,633,317 in the international market scenario. Furthermore, the social NPV is S/. 2,325,525.
The central theme of this thesis is the social business of marketing edible mushrooms in Peru, specifically the Oyster mushroom variety. The identified social problem revolves around the poverty conditions faced by the agricultural producers, as they have limited economic resources to overcome these circumstances. The thesis proposes the creation of a social business that promotes the production and commercialization of Oyster mushrooms in the Peruvian market, and subsequently, in the international market as a second phase. To achieve this objective, the proposal suggests developing a work system, distribution channels, and a mobile application that promote the consumption of edible mushrooms in Peru and provide healthy recipes to incentivize the consumption of this product. The following chapters define the problem, analyze the market for edible mushrooms in Peru, describe the potential users, and present the design and business model of Qhatu along with the proposed solution. To ensure a desirable, feasible, and viable solution, a questionnaire was administered to over 300 individuals, a detailed interview was conducted with an Oyster mushroom producer from Curahuasi, and a tasting session was held with 10 individuals, where various dishes featuring the product as the main ingredient were offered. These activities provided valuable information that validated the desirability, feasibility, and viability of the business. In this way, the proposed business directly impacts the Sustainable Development Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere. Additionally, over a period of 5 years, a Net Present Value (NPV) of S/ 10,820,217 is projected in the domestic market scenario, and S/ 13,633,317 in the international market scenario. Furthermore, the social NPV is S/. 2,325,525.
Productos agrícolas--Comercio--Perú, Aplicaciones--Dispositivos móviles, Negocios--Planificación
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