Informe jurídico sobre la Casación N° 2686- 2020-Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente informe jurídico, se analiza la interpretación del cuarto párrafo del
artículo 17° del Decreto Supremo N° 024-2002-MTC, que aprueba el Texto Único
Ordenado del Reglamento Nacional de Responsabilidad Civil y Seguros
Obligatorios por Accidentes de Tránsito. Este reglamento regula la
responsabilidad sobre la cobertura a los ocupantes de un vehículo que se
encuentra desprovisto de SOAT.
Las compañías de seguros argumentan que el SOAT no debería otorgar
cobertura a las víctimas que se encuentren en vehículos no asegurados porque
no forman parte del riesgo asegurado. Así, a pesar de que el SOAT tiene como
objetivo principal proteger la vida y la integridad de las personas, el presente
informe defiende que no debe extenderse la cobertura a los ocupantes de un
vehículo no asegurado, ya que esto excede las obligaciones previstas para las
aseguradoras y podría desestabilizar el sistema de seguros.
En este contexto, se analiza el caso contenido en la Casación N° 2686-2020-
Lima, donde AFOCAT La Primera rechazó pagar la indemnización por la muerte
del señor Alejandro Sanga, quien viajaba en un vehículo sin SOAT. Finalmente,
se ordenó a AFOCAT La Primera que le otorgara la cobertura, lo que llevó a un
debate legal sobre dicha decisión. Siendo así, resulta necesario interpretar el
artículo 17° de una manera que no imponga responsabilidades no previstas
claramente en la normativa, protegiendo así la estabilidad del sistema de
The present legal report analyzes the fourth paragraph of article 17 of Supreme Decree N° 024-2002-MTC, which approves the Consolidated Text of the National Regulations on Civil Liability and Mandatory Traffic Accident Insurance. This regulation addresses the liability concerning coverage for occupants of a vehicle that lacks SOAT (Personal Accident Mandatory Vehicle Policy). Insurance companies argue that the SOAT should not provide coverage to victims in uninsured vehicles as they do not fall within the insured risk. Although the primary objective of the SOAT is to protect the life and integrity of individuals, this report contends that coverage should not be extended to occupants of an uninsured vehicle, as it exceeds the obligations provided for insurers and could destabilize the insurance system. In this context, the case contained in Cassation N° 2686-2020-Lima is analyzed, where AFOCAT La Primera refused to pay compensation for the death of Mr. Alejandro Sanga, who was traveling in an uninsured vehicle. Ultimately, AFOCAT La Primera was ordered to provide coverage, leading to a legal debate on this decision. Thus, it is necessary to interpret article 17 in a way that does not impose responsibilities not clearly stipulated in the regulations, thereby protecting the stability of the insurance system.
The present legal report analyzes the fourth paragraph of article 17 of Supreme Decree N° 024-2002-MTC, which approves the Consolidated Text of the National Regulations on Civil Liability and Mandatory Traffic Accident Insurance. This regulation addresses the liability concerning coverage for occupants of a vehicle that lacks SOAT (Personal Accident Mandatory Vehicle Policy). Insurance companies argue that the SOAT should not provide coverage to victims in uninsured vehicles as they do not fall within the insured risk. Although the primary objective of the SOAT is to protect the life and integrity of individuals, this report contends that coverage should not be extended to occupants of an uninsured vehicle, as it exceeds the obligations provided for insurers and could destabilize the insurance system. In this context, the case contained in Cassation N° 2686-2020-Lima is analyzed, where AFOCAT La Primera refused to pay compensation for the death of Mr. Alejandro Sanga, who was traveling in an uninsured vehicle. Ultimately, AFOCAT La Primera was ordered to provide coverage, leading to a legal debate on this decision. Thus, it is necessary to interpret article 17 in a way that does not impose responsibilities not clearly stipulated in the regulations, thereby protecting the stability of the insurance system.
Seguros contra accidentes de tránsito--Legislación--Perú, Protección del consumidor--Perú, Derecho constitucional--Perú
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