Business consulting- DP World Callao SRL. Automatización de procesos en el terminal portuario de contenedores – Muelle Sur
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
DP World Callao es una empresa subsidiaria de DP World, que es un grupo logístico
considerado actualmente como un desarrollador de comercio global, nació en 1972 como
un agente portuario en Dubai, y en la actualidad cuenta con más de cincuenta mil personas
trabajando en distintas partes del mundo. DP World Callao es el administrador portuario del
Muelle Sur en Callao por 30 años debido a un contrato de concesión iniciado en el 2006.
El presente business consulting inicia con un análisis del contexto que consiste en el
desarrollo de un análisis externo e interno de las variables principales, posteriormente del
análisis se pudo reconocer las principales Fortalezas, Debilidades, Oportunidades, y
Amenazas de la compañía. Posteriormente, luego de realizar una investigación interna, se
obtuvo una lista de los problemas principales que están, en su mayoría, relacionados con en
el proceso operativo de DP World Callao.
Al contar con los principales problemas, y sus causas, se revisó literatura académica y
se evaluó ejemplos de puertos que son vistos como modelo en la industria de comercio
exterior global. Posteriormente, se propusieron alternativas de solución, enfocadas a
minimizar los principales problemas por los que atraviesa DP World Callao en la
actualidad. Las soluciones propuestas involucran cambios administrativos como son nuevas
funciones para los inspectores de puerta, una nueva tarifa a sus clientes finales, y dos
estrategias de recursos humanos que sólo se sugieren en un corto plazo hasta que se instalen
las nuevas tecnologías que requieren una mayor inversión. Estas alternativas de solución
tecnológicas, son la adquisición de cámaras OCR (siglas en inglés Optical Character
Recognition que significan reconocimiento de caracteres ópticos) para las grúas pórtico, y
la adquisición de máquinas enteramente automatizadas para remover y colocar los
twistlocks de los contenedores en la zona muelle.
DP World Callao is a subsidiary of DP World, which is a logistics group considered a global trade enabler nowadays. DP World was founded in 1972 as a port operator in Dubai, and nowadays has more than fifty thousand employees working in different places around the world. DP World Callao is the port administrator of the “South Dock” in Callao for 30 years due to a concession contract that was signed in 2006. The following business consulting starts with a context analysis, which includes the development of an external and internal analysis of the main variables of DP World Callao. From this study the main Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats were recognized. Then, after performing an internal investigation, a list of the main problems was taken, in which the majority of the listed problems were related with DP World Callao’s operative process. Once the main problems were listed, and their main causes, academic literature was reviewed, and the evaluation of examples of ports that are seen as a role model in the external commerce industry globally was performed, which are Rotterdam and Singapore port. Then, alternatives of solutions were proposed, focused in the mitigation of the current main problems of DP World Callao. The proposed solutions involved administrative changes such as new tasks for the gate inspectors, a new tariff to their final customers, and two human resources strategies that are suggested only in the short term, until the installation of new technologies that require a higher investment. This technological alternatives of solution are the acquisition of OCR cameras for the QC cranes, and the acquisition of entire automatized machines that remove and place twistlocks of the containers in the zone called “Zona Muelle”.
DP World Callao is a subsidiary of DP World, which is a logistics group considered a global trade enabler nowadays. DP World was founded in 1972 as a port operator in Dubai, and nowadays has more than fifty thousand employees working in different places around the world. DP World Callao is the port administrator of the “South Dock” in Callao for 30 years due to a concession contract that was signed in 2006. The following business consulting starts with a context analysis, which includes the development of an external and internal analysis of the main variables of DP World Callao. From this study the main Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats were recognized. Then, after performing an internal investigation, a list of the main problems was taken, in which the majority of the listed problems were related with DP World Callao’s operative process. Once the main problems were listed, and their main causes, academic literature was reviewed, and the evaluation of examples of ports that are seen as a role model in the external commerce industry globally was performed, which are Rotterdam and Singapore port. Then, alternatives of solutions were proposed, focused in the mitigation of the current main problems of DP World Callao. The proposed solutions involved administrative changes such as new tasks for the gate inspectors, a new tariff to their final customers, and two human resources strategies that are suggested only in the short term, until the installation of new technologies that require a higher investment. This technological alternatives of solution are the acquisition of OCR cameras for the QC cranes, and the acquisition of entire automatized machines that remove and place twistlocks of the containers in the zone called “Zona Muelle”.
Consultores de empresas, Control de procesos--Diagnóstico, Puertos--Administración--Perú--Callao (Provincia Constitucional)