Plan estratégico del sector manufacturero
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Perú ha tenido un crecimiento económico y una exposición mundial considerable
en la última década, lo que ha convertido al país en una locación atractiva para la inversión
extranjera y el desarrollo de nuevos negocios. Este crecimiento ha venido impulsado
principalmente por el desarrollo de la minería, el crecimiento de la industria metal mecánica
y el desarrollo inmobiliario. En menor medida, la economía peruana también ha sido
impulsada por la creciente exportación de productos tradicionales y no tradicionales. En este
último rubro encontramos al sector manufacturero.
El sector manufacturero cuenta con condiciones favorables y un gran potencial para
un desarrollo adecuado que lo convierta en un referente industrial para la región de
Latinoamérica. Las principales ventajas con las que cuenta el sector manufacturero son
recursos abundantes y de calidad y un posicionamiento geográfico estratégico para la llegada
a mercados internacionales.
El logro de la visión planteada hacia el 2025 permitirá consolidar al sector
manufacturero y potenciarlo, logrando cuadruplicar la producción actual de S/. 35 mil
millones y cuadruplicar la suma de exportaciones actuales, de US$ 5 mil millones. Esto se
logrará principalmente mediante la inversión y la mejora de pilares fundamentales del
desarrollo: infraestructura, tecnología y educación. Lo anterior, acompañado con una mejora
de los procesos industriales para reducir el impacto ambiental y mantener un crecimiento
Para la exitosa puesta en marcha e implementación de este planeamiento estratégico
es necesaria la coordinación entre las diferentes industrias que componen el sector, los
Gobiernos Regionales, la Sociedad Nacional de Industrias y el compromiso financiero del
sector privado, todo bajo el liderazgo del Ministerio de la Producción.
Peru has had a considerable economic growth and global exposure in the last decade, which has made the country an attractive location for foreign investment and new business development. This growth was mainly driven by the development of mining, the growth of the metal mechanical industry and real estate development. To a lesser extent, the Peruvian economy has also been driven by increasing exports of traditional and non-traditional products. In the latter category we can find the manufacturing sector. The manufacturing sector has favorable conditions and great potential for proper development in order to become an industry benchmark for the region of Latin America. The main advantages that comprise manufacturing are quality are abundant resources and a strategic geographical positioning for the arrival of international markets. Achieving the vision outlined for 2025 will consolidate the manufacturing sector and strengthen it, more than quadruple the current production of S/. 33 billion and quadruple the amount of US$ 5 billion for current exports. This will be achieved primarily through investment on and improving the fundamental pillars of development: infrastructure, technology and education. All of this, coupled with improved industrial processes in order to reduce environmental impact and maintain sustainable growth. For the successful launch and implementation of this strategic planning coordination between the various industries within the sector, regional governments, the National Society of Industries and the financial commitment of the private sector is required, all under the leadership of the Ministry of Production is necessary.
Peru has had a considerable economic growth and global exposure in the last decade, which has made the country an attractive location for foreign investment and new business development. This growth was mainly driven by the development of mining, the growth of the metal mechanical industry and real estate development. To a lesser extent, the Peruvian economy has also been driven by increasing exports of traditional and non-traditional products. In the latter category we can find the manufacturing sector. The manufacturing sector has favorable conditions and great potential for proper development in order to become an industry benchmark for the region of Latin America. The main advantages that comprise manufacturing are quality are abundant resources and a strategic geographical positioning for the arrival of international markets. Achieving the vision outlined for 2025 will consolidate the manufacturing sector and strengthen it, more than quadruple the current production of S/. 33 billion and quadruple the amount of US$ 5 billion for current exports. This will be achieved primarily through investment on and improving the fundamental pillars of development: infrastructure, technology and education. All of this, coupled with improved industrial processes in order to reduce environmental impact and maintain sustainable growth. For the successful launch and implementation of this strategic planning coordination between the various industries within the sector, regional governments, the National Society of Industries and the financial commitment of the private sector is required, all under the leadership of the Ministry of Production is necessary.
Manufacturas--Perú, Planificación estratégica
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