Transparencia corporativa en las empresas del sector construcción del Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La investigación de Transparencia Corporativa en el Perú se intensifica frente a los
actuales casos de corrupción que atraviesa el país, por la falta información relevante sobre las
actividades que desarrollan las empresas y que no son de conocimiento público a las tres
partes interesadas: accionistas, trabajadores y sociedad en general. Asimismo, la medición de
la transparencia corporativa nos da un valor por el cual el gobierno y las empresas deben
conocer e intensificar su importancia para mejorar y generar la sostenibilidad de las
inversiones, fomentar la generación de empleo y dar mayor crecimiento al país.
La presente tesis tiene como objetivo principal adaptar a la realidad peruana, el
modelo de e-Gobierno corporativo y transparencia informativa en las sociedades cotizadas
españolas: un estudio empírico de los autores Gandía y Andrés (2005), para las empresas del
sector construcción que cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores de Lima. El modelo fue seleccionado
a partir de la revisión de la literatura sobre la transparencia corporativa. Este modelo
adaptado consta de cuatro subíndices, el cual, contiene un índice de 32 variables, que deben
considerar las empresas para medir y analizar el índice de transparencia corporativa del sector
construcción: (a) Información Relativa a la Gerencia, (b) Junta General de Accionistas, (c)
Estructura de la Propiedad; y (d) Otras Informaciones Relacionadas con el Buen Gobierno.
Para la validez de adaptación del modelo de Gandía y Andrés (2005) se utilizó el
juicio de expertos y el coeficiente V de Aiken obteniendo un valor de 0.86, por lo que el
resultado es cercano a 1 y demuestra que el juicio de expertos realizado para la adaptación es
idóneo, a su vez para la confiabilidad del instrumento de medición planteado, en el que se
demuestra que los resultados tienen consistencia interna y coherencia, se realizó la prueba de
Alfa de Cronbach obteniendo un valor de 0.81, y en el que también se confirma que el
instrumento de medición es confiable. En síntesis, la presente tesis consta de cinco capítulos. El Capítulo I presenta los
antecedentes, la problemática, el propósito de la investigación, los objetivos y las preguntas
de investigación; en el Capítulo II se revisa y conceptualiza la transparencia en empresas
peruanas, Latinoamericanas, del mundo, y los instrumentos de medición de índices de
transparencia que existen, así como la revisión de la literatura, identificación de las variables
que se relacionan con el sector construcción y la selección de modelo; en el Capítulo III se
presenta la metodología de investigación, la población, el instrumento a utilizar y, la validez
y confiabilidad del modelo adaptado; en el Capítulo IV se realiza el análisis e interpretación
de datos, y los resultados de la aplicación del instrumento. Finalmente, en el Capítulo V se
presentan las conclusiones que responden a los objetivos planteados en la tesis de
investigación y las recomendaciones.
The investigation of Corporate Transparency in Peru intensifies in the face of the current cases of corruption that the country is going through, due to the lack of relevant information on the activities carried out by companies that are not publicly known to the three interested parties: shareholders, workers and society in general. Likewise, the measurement of corporate transparency gives us a value by which the government and the companies must know and intensify their importance to improve and generate the sustainability of investments, promote the generation of employment and give more growth to the country. The main objective of this thesis is to adapt to the Peruvian reality, the model of corporate e-Government and information transparency in Spanish listed companies: an empirical study by the authors Gandía and Andrés (2005), for companies in the construction sector listed on the Stock Exchange of Lima. The model was selected based on the review of the literature on corporate transparency. This adapted model consists of four sub-indices, which contain an index of 32 elements, which companies must consider to measure and analyze the corporate transparency index of the construction sector: (a) Information Relating to Management, (b) General Meeting of Shareholders, (c) Structure of the Property; and (d) Other Information Related to Good Government. For the validity of adaptation of the model of Gandía and Andrés (2005) the expert judgment and the coefficient V of Aiken were used, obtaining a value of 0.86, so the result is close to 1 and demonstrates that the expert judgment made for the adaptation is ideal, in turn for the reliability of the proposed measurement instrument, in which it is demonstrated that the results have internal consistency and coherence, the Cronbach's Alpha test was performed obtaining a value of 0.81, and in which it is confirmed that the measuring instrument is reliable. In summary, this thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter I presents the background, the problem, the purpose of the research, the objectives and the research questions; Chapter II reviews and conceptualizes transparency in Peruvian, Latin American and world companies, and the instruments for measuring the transparency indexes that exist, as well as the review of the literature and the identification of the variables related to the construction sector and the model selection; Chapter III presents the research methodology, the population, the instrument to be used, and the validity and reliability of the adapted model; in Chapter IV the analysis and interpretation of data is carried out, and the results of the application of the instrument. Finally, Chapter V presents the conclusions that respond to the objectives set out in the research thesis and the recommendations.
The investigation of Corporate Transparency in Peru intensifies in the face of the current cases of corruption that the country is going through, due to the lack of relevant information on the activities carried out by companies that are not publicly known to the three interested parties: shareholders, workers and society in general. Likewise, the measurement of corporate transparency gives us a value by which the government and the companies must know and intensify their importance to improve and generate the sustainability of investments, promote the generation of employment and give more growth to the country. The main objective of this thesis is to adapt to the Peruvian reality, the model of corporate e-Government and information transparency in Spanish listed companies: an empirical study by the authors Gandía and Andrés (2005), for companies in the construction sector listed on the Stock Exchange of Lima. The model was selected based on the review of the literature on corporate transparency. This adapted model consists of four sub-indices, which contain an index of 32 elements, which companies must consider to measure and analyze the corporate transparency index of the construction sector: (a) Information Relating to Management, (b) General Meeting of Shareholders, (c) Structure of the Property; and (d) Other Information Related to Good Government. For the validity of adaptation of the model of Gandía and Andrés (2005) the expert judgment and the coefficient V of Aiken were used, obtaining a value of 0.86, so the result is close to 1 and demonstrates that the expert judgment made for the adaptation is ideal, in turn for the reliability of the proposed measurement instrument, in which it is demonstrated that the results have internal consistency and coherence, the Cronbach's Alpha test was performed obtaining a value of 0.81, and in which it is confirmed that the measuring instrument is reliable. In summary, this thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter I presents the background, the problem, the purpose of the research, the objectives and the research questions; Chapter II reviews and conceptualizes transparency in Peruvian, Latin American and world companies, and the instruments for measuring the transparency indexes that exist, as well as the review of the literature and the identification of the variables related to the construction sector and the model selection; Chapter III presents the research methodology, the population, the instrument to be used, and the validity and reliability of the adapted model; in Chapter IV the analysis and interpretation of data is carried out, and the results of the application of the instrument. Finally, Chapter V presents the conclusions that respond to the objectives set out in the research thesis and the recommendations.
Transparencia corporativa--Perú, Sector construcción--Perú, Investigación cuantitativa
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