Análisis de los factores que contribuyen al éxito del Programa “Corazones Excepcionales” de la Asociación Global Health Initiative Perú (GHI) dirigido a personas con síndrome de Down de la provincia de Huánuco una oportunidad de inclusión educativa, periodo 2021-2023
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El programa Corazones excepcionales de la asociación Global Health Initiative Perú
(GHI) apoya a personas con síndrome de Down y su entorno familiar a que puedan
mejorar su calidad de vida y tengan una oportunidad de inclusión educativa.
El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar los factores determinantes en el éxito del
programa "Corazones Excepcionales", dirigido a personas con síndrome de Down
en la provincia de Huánuco. Se trató de un estudio de caso de naturaleza cualitativa,
en el que se emplearon diversas fuentes de información, como observaciones,
documentos, entrevistas y grupo focal, entre otros métodos. La muestra estuvo
compuesta por colaboradores de la Asociación Global Health Initiative - Perú, entre
ellos un coordinador nacional (hombre) y dos gestores de programa (hombres); diez
familias usuarias del programa "Corazones Excepcionales" (nueve mujeres y un
hombre); y dos representantes de la Universidad Hermilio Valdizán (docentes
Entre los principales hallazgos se destaca que el programa se centra en promover
la salud, la educación y mejorar la calidad de vida de las familias con hijos con
síndrome de Down. Al basarse en las Siete tesis sobre la educación sanitaria para
la participación comunitaria, muestra su compromiso con una adaptación educativa
fundamentada en el diálogo, la confianza, la responsabilidad individual y la
cooperación colectiva. Además, se resalta la valoración positiva de las familias y
aliados respecto a la importancia y el impacto del programa en el desarrollo de las
personas con síndrome de Down. La evaluación continua realizada por la
Universidad Hermilio Valdizán subraya la efectividad y reciprocidad de esta
iniciativa, fortaleciendo un compromiso sólido y mutuamente beneficioso entre
ambas partes.
Así también, se requiere que el programa "Corazones Excepcionales" continúe
integrando de manera exitosa sus componentes y estrategias de gestión con el
propósito de la organización GHI Perú (Global Health Initiative); fortaleciendo la
estructura jerárquica de GHI (Global Health Initiative) para respaldar al equipo
especializado del programa. Asimismo, dar continuidad y fortalecer la colaboración
con aliados estratégicos.
Con este propósito, la gerencia social facilita la identificación y análisis de procesos,
lo que a su vez permite proponer recomendaciones y mejoras en la intervención de
programas dirigidos a personas con síndrome de Down.
The "Exceptional Hearts" program of the Global Health Initiative Peru (GHI) association supports people with Down syndrome and their families, helping them improve their quality of life and providing opportunities for educational inclusion. The objective of the research was to analyze the determining factors in the success of the "Exceptional Hearts" program, aimed at people with Down syndrome in the province of Huánuco. It was a qualitative case study that employed various sources of information, such as observations, documents, interviews, and focus groups, among other methods. The sample included collaborators from the Global Health Initiative – Peru. Among the main findings, it is highlighted that the program focuses on promoting health, education, and improving the quality of life of families with children with Down syndrome. By basing its approach on the Seven Theses on Health Education for Community Participation, it demonstrates its commitment to educational adaptation founded on dialogue, trust, individual responsibility, and collective cooperation. Additionally, the positive evaluation by families and partners regarding the importance and impact of the program on the development of people with Down syndrome is underscored. The continuous evaluation conducted by Hermilio Valdizán University emphasizes the effectiveness and reciprocity of this initiative, strengthening a solid and mutually beneficial commitment between both parties. Furthermore, it is necessary for the "Exceptional Hearts" program to continue successfully integrating its components and management strategies with the purpose of the GHI Peru (Global Health Initiative) organization, strengthening GHI's hierarchical structure to support the specialized program team. Likewise, it should continue and enhance collaboration with strategic partners. For this purpose, social management facilitates the identification and analysis of processes, which in turn allows for proposing recommendations and improvements in the intervention of programs aimed at people with Down syndrome.
The "Exceptional Hearts" program of the Global Health Initiative Peru (GHI) association supports people with Down syndrome and their families, helping them improve their quality of life and providing opportunities for educational inclusion. The objective of the research was to analyze the determining factors in the success of the "Exceptional Hearts" program, aimed at people with Down syndrome in the province of Huánuco. It was a qualitative case study that employed various sources of information, such as observations, documents, interviews, and focus groups, among other methods. The sample included collaborators from the Global Health Initiative – Peru. Among the main findings, it is highlighted that the program focuses on promoting health, education, and improving the quality of life of families with children with Down syndrome. By basing its approach on the Seven Theses on Health Education for Community Participation, it demonstrates its commitment to educational adaptation founded on dialogue, trust, individual responsibility, and collective cooperation. Additionally, the positive evaluation by families and partners regarding the importance and impact of the program on the development of people with Down syndrome is underscored. The continuous evaluation conducted by Hermilio Valdizán University emphasizes the effectiveness and reciprocity of this initiative, strengthening a solid and mutually beneficial commitment between both parties. Furthermore, it is necessary for the "Exceptional Hearts" program to continue successfully integrating its components and management strategies with the purpose of the GHI Peru (Global Health Initiative) organization, strengthening GHI's hierarchical structure to support the specialized program team. Likewise, it should continue and enhance collaboration with strategic partners. For this purpose, social management facilitates the identification and analysis of processes, which in turn allows for proposing recommendations and improvements in the intervention of programs aimed at people with Down syndrome.
Educación inclusiva--Perú--Huánuco, Niños con síndrome de Down--Educación--Perú--Huánuco, Investigaciones evaluativas (Programas de acción social)--Perú--Huánuco
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