Contribución del control efectuado por la Contraloría General de la República en la implementación de las políticas públicas: Implementación del Programa Nacional de Asistencia Solidaria Pensión 65 durante el período 2018-2019
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Con el objetivo de que Pensión 65 brinde protección social a los adultos mayores
de 65 años en extrema pobreza, en el período 2018-2019 se le asignó un PIA de
S/ 1 649 932 520 para entregar una subvención monetaria a 1 050 000 usuarios,
y un PIA de S/ 56 669 847 para realizar visitas que permitan afiliar nuevos
usuarios y verificar que los actuales cumplan los requisitos para mantenerse en
el Programa. El objetivo de esta investigación consiste en determinar cómo
contribuyó el control ejecutado por la Contraloría en el uso de los recursos
públicos asignados a Pensión 65 para financiar las metas, objetivos y resultados
durante el período mencionado. Para lograrlo, se recopiló la normativa y
documentación de acceso público generada por Pensión 65 durante la gestión
de las subvenciones, y la Contraloría en el ejercicio del control
realizado; asimismo, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a funcionarios
de Pensión 65, de la Contraloría y a expertos en control gubernamental. La
investigación realizada no logró determinar cuál fue la contribución del control
efectuado por la Contraloría en la gestión de las subvenciones, debido a que, de
23 recomendaciones para mejorar estos procesos, solo se informó la
implementación de tres (13.04%), respecto de las 20 restantes (86.96%) no se
encontró información sobre su implementación. Asimismo, no se encontró
información sobre el impacto de la implementación de las 23 recomendaciones
en el desempeño de los procesos controlados ni en la calidad de los servicios
brindados a los usuarios de Pensión 65.
In order for Pension 65 to provide social protection to adults over 65 years of age in extreme poverty, in the period 2018-2019 it was allocated a PIA of S/ 1 649 932 520 to deliver a monetary subsidy to 1 050 000 users, and a PIA of S/ 56 669 847 to carry out visits to enroll new users and verify that current users meet the requirements to remain in the Program. The objective of this research is to determine how the control executed by the Comptroller's Office contributed to the use of public resources allocated to Pension 65 to finance the goals, objectives and results during the period. To achieve this, publicly available regulations and documentation generated by Pension 65 during the management of the subsidies, and the Comptroller's Office in the exercise of the control carried out were compiled; semi-structured interviews were also conducted with officials from Pension 65, the Comptroller's Office and experts in governmental control. The research was unable to determine the contribution of the control carried out by the Comptroller's Office in the management of the subsidies, because out of 23 recommendations to improve these processes, only three (13.04%) were reported to have been implemented, and of the remaining 20 (86.96%), no information was found on their implementation. Likewise, no information was found on the impact of the implementation of the 23 recommendations on the performance of the controlled processes or on the quality of the services provided to Pension 65 users.
In order for Pension 65 to provide social protection to adults over 65 years of age in extreme poverty, in the period 2018-2019 it was allocated a PIA of S/ 1 649 932 520 to deliver a monetary subsidy to 1 050 000 users, and a PIA of S/ 56 669 847 to carry out visits to enroll new users and verify that current users meet the requirements to remain in the Program. The objective of this research is to determine how the control executed by the Comptroller's Office contributed to the use of public resources allocated to Pension 65 to finance the goals, objectives and results during the period. To achieve this, publicly available regulations and documentation generated by Pension 65 during the management of the subsidies, and the Comptroller's Office in the exercise of the control carried out were compiled; semi-structured interviews were also conducted with officials from Pension 65, the Comptroller's Office and experts in governmental control. The research was unable to determine the contribution of the control carried out by the Comptroller's Office in the management of the subsidies, because out of 23 recommendations to improve these processes, only three (13.04%) were reported to have been implemented, and of the remaining 20 (86.96%), no information was found on their implementation. Likewise, no information was found on the impact of the implementation of the 23 recommendations on the performance of the controlled processes or on the quality of the services provided to Pension 65 users.
Perú. Contraloría General de la República, Gastos públicos--Perú, Pensiones a la vejez--Perú, Políticas públicas--Perú
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