El rol de la comunicación para el desarrollo para el fortalecimiento de espacios de diálogo y participación juvenil: El caso de la Red de Arte y Diálogo para la Paz
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El objetivo del presente trabajo es comprender cómo la Comunicación para el Desarrollo
facilita la articulación mediante el diálogo transformativo para promover la participación de
los jóvenes en el espacio de diálogo conocido como la Red Arte y Diálogo para la Paz. Los
espacios de diálogo son plataformas de relaciones que facilitan la interacción, el intercambio y
la articulación entre los actores involucrados orientados a la resolución de problemáticas o
conflictos, la generación de consensos, y en la ejecución de acciones colectivas que promuevan
la convivencia pacífica. En este tipo de procesos, el diálogo, en su carácter transformador,
fomenta la construcción de relaciones basadas en el respeto y la confianza, llevando a cambios
constructivos. Se sistematiza la experiencia de la autora como Consultora de Comunicaciones
en un proyecto enfocado en la transformación de conflictos y artes expresivas, en donde brindó
soporte comunicacional en el espacio de diálogo conocido como la Red Arte y Diálogo para la
Paz, conformado desde el proyecto con el mismo nombre que agrupaba a jóvenes con la
finalidad de fomentar una cultura de paz desde la generación de iniciativas ciudadanas. La
metodología empleada es de carácter cualitativo, en el que se revisó documentación como
informes mensuales y semestrales del proyecto, actas de reuniones y entrevistas a profundidad
realizadas a la coordinadora del proyecto y a dos miembros de la Red Arte y Diálogo para la
Paz. Se describen las acciones e iniciativas ejecutadas en favor de la paz por la Red Arte y
Diálogo para la Paz desde el 2020 hasta el 2023, así como el diseño y la implementación de la
estrategia de comunicación elaborada para este espacio de diálogo, su relacionamiento con
actores sociales y los recursos comunicacionales.
The objective of this work is to understand how Communication for Development facilitates articulation through transformative dialogue to promote youth participation in the dialogue space known as the Network of Art and Dialogue for Peace. Dialogue spaces are platforms of relationships that facilitate interaction, exchange and articulation among actors oriented towards problem-solving or conflict resolution, consensus-building and the execution of collective actions that promote peaceful coexistence. In these processes, dialogue, in its transformative nature, promote the construction of relationships based on respect and trust, leading to constructive changes. The autor’s experience as a Communications Consultant in a project focused on conflict transformation and expressive arts is systematized. In this project, the autor provided communication support in the dialogue space known as the Network of Art and Dialogue for Peace, formed from the project of the same name that brought young people with the aim of promote a culture of peace through the generation of citizen initiatives and dialogue spaces. The methodology used is qualitative, reviewing documentation such as monthly and semi-annual project reports, meeting minutores and in-depht interviews conducted with the project manager and two members of the Network of Art and Dialogue for Peace. Thus, the actions and initiative carried out in favor of peace by the Network of Art and Dialogue for Peace from 2020 to 2023 are described, as well as the design and implementation of the communication strategy developed for this dialogue space, its relationship with other social actors and the communication resourcers developed by and for this dialogue space.
The objective of this work is to understand how Communication for Development facilitates articulation through transformative dialogue to promote youth participation in the dialogue space known as the Network of Art and Dialogue for Peace. Dialogue spaces are platforms of relationships that facilitate interaction, exchange and articulation among actors oriented towards problem-solving or conflict resolution, consensus-building and the execution of collective actions that promote peaceful coexistence. In these processes, dialogue, in its transformative nature, promote the construction of relationships based on respect and trust, leading to constructive changes. The autor’s experience as a Communications Consultant in a project focused on conflict transformation and expressive arts is systematized. In this project, the autor provided communication support in the dialogue space known as the Network of Art and Dialogue for Peace, formed from the project of the same name that brought young people with the aim of promote a culture of peace through the generation of citizen initiatives and dialogue spaces. The methodology used is qualitative, reviewing documentation such as monthly and semi-annual project reports, meeting minutores and in-depht interviews conducted with the project manager and two members of the Network of Art and Dialogue for Peace. Thus, the actions and initiative carried out in favor of peace by the Network of Art and Dialogue for Peace from 2020 to 2023 are described, as well as the design and implementation of the communication strategy developed for this dialogue space, its relationship with other social actors and the communication resourcers developed by and for this dialogue space.
Cultura de paz, Jóvenes--Participación social, Comunicación--Aspectos sociales
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