Índice de transparencia corporativa aplicado al sector minero
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene por objetivo la creación de un Índice de Transparencia
Corporativa (ITC), que permita medir la Transparencia Corporativa (TC) en cualquier sector
empresarial. Es importante que las empresas mejoren el nivel de comunicación de forma
precisa y oportuna más allá del cumplimiento regulatorio, y aporten al desarrollo sostenible.
A su vez, una sociedad mejor informada exigirá al estado un rol más eficiente en la
administración de los recursos proveniente de las empresas.
Se ha tomado como referencia la metodología de la Organización Económica para la
Cooperación y el Desarrollo (OCDE por sus siglas en inglés), para la creación de indicadores
compuestos; considerando el uso de ponderaciones equitativas para reducir la subjetividad
del modelo. La propuesta del ITC comprende cuatro dimensiones: (a) dimensión Gobierno
Corporativo; (b) dimensión económica; (c) dimensión social; y (d) dimensión ambiental; a su
vez se subdividen en 23 factores y 86 variables. La premisa para la obtención del ITC es que
la información requerida deba ser accesible para todos sus stakeholders, es por ello que toda
la información necesaria debe estar disponible en la página web oficial de la empresa. Los
factores que conforman el ITC se basan en el concepto de la Transparencia Corporativa desde
un enfoque integral. La TC se define como la difusión de información relevante,
comprensible, accesible y oportuna; adaptando la información y los medios de comunicación
según las diferentes expectativas de los stakeholders, para generar confianza y puedan
valorarlo; alentando decisiones de beneficio mutuo.
El modelo de ITC fue aplicado en el sector minero, utilizando un enfoque
cuantitativo, con diseño no experimental, transeccional y alcance descriptivo. La prueba de
este instrumento lo realizaremos en la industria Minera en el Perú, donde la población está
integrada por todas las empresas de gran y mediana minería, que forman parte de la Sociedad
Nacional de Minería, Petróleo y Energía (SNMPE).
The objective of this research is the creation of a Corporate Transparency Index (ITC), which allows the measurement of Corporate Transparency (TC) in any business sector. It is important that companies improve the level of communication in a precise manner and beyond regulatory compliance, and sustainable development. In turn, a better-informed society will demand a more efficient state in the administration of the resources coming from the companies. The methodology of the Economic Organization for Cooperation and Development (OECD), for the creation of composite indicators, has been taken as reference; The use of equitable weights to reduce the subjectivity of the model. The ITC proposal comprises four dimensions: (a) corporate governance dimension; (b) economic dimension; (c) social dimension; and (d) environmental dimension; they are subdivided into 23 factors and 86 variables. The premise for obtaining the ITC is that the information can be accessed to all interested, therefore, the necessary information on the official website of the company. The factors that make up the ITC are based on the concept of Corporate Transparency from a comprehensive approach. The TC is defined as the dissemination of relevant, understandable, accessible and timely information; adapting the information and the media according to the different expectations of the shareholders, to generate trust and be able to value; Encouraging decisions of mutual benefit. The ITC model was applied in the mining sector, using a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental, transectional design and descriptive scope. The test of this instrument is carried out in the Mining industry in Peru, where the population is composed of all large and medium-sized mining companies, which are part of the National Society of Mining, Petroleum and Energy (SNMPE).
The objective of this research is the creation of a Corporate Transparency Index (ITC), which allows the measurement of Corporate Transparency (TC) in any business sector. It is important that companies improve the level of communication in a precise manner and beyond regulatory compliance, and sustainable development. In turn, a better-informed society will demand a more efficient state in the administration of the resources coming from the companies. The methodology of the Economic Organization for Cooperation and Development (OECD), for the creation of composite indicators, has been taken as reference; The use of equitable weights to reduce the subjectivity of the model. The ITC proposal comprises four dimensions: (a) corporate governance dimension; (b) economic dimension; (c) social dimension; and (d) environmental dimension; they are subdivided into 23 factors and 86 variables. The premise for obtaining the ITC is that the information can be accessed to all interested, therefore, the necessary information on the official website of the company. The factors that make up the ITC are based on the concept of Corporate Transparency from a comprehensive approach. The TC is defined as the dissemination of relevant, understandable, accessible and timely information; adapting the information and the media according to the different expectations of the shareholders, to generate trust and be able to value; Encouraging decisions of mutual benefit. The ITC model was applied in the mining sector, using a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental, transectional design and descriptive scope. The test of this instrument is carried out in the Mining industry in Peru, where the population is composed of all large and medium-sized mining companies, which are part of the National Society of Mining, Petroleum and Energy (SNMPE).
Transparencia corporativa--Perú, Indicadores sociales--Perú, Indicadores económicos--Perú, Sector minero--Perú
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