Propuesta de mejora y evaluación del proceso de descontaminación de placas de circuito impreso de una empresa operadora de residuos sólidos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta tesis tiene por finalidad incrementar la productividad del negocio mediante un
proyecto enfocado en la disminución del número de accidentes de las operaciones
dentro del proceso de tratamiento de desechos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos
(RAEE), aplicando herramientas que permitan identificar las operaciones críticas,
evaluar el desempeño de estas y cuantificar el beneficio.
Para comenzar la evaluación, primero se explicarán los conceptos utilizados con la
finalidad de que las bases teóricas sean entendidas. Se tocarán temas de suma
importancia y relevantes a la investigación planteada como lo es la ergonomía, ya que
la mejora será principalmente ergonómica.
El objeto de análisis de esta investigación es una empresa operadora de residuos
sólidos, dedicada a cerrar el ciclo de la gestión y manejo de los RAEE a través del
tratamiento ambiental de los mismos. Una parte de estos residuos contienen material
peligroso, que resultan perjudicial para el ecosistema y la salud física de las personas,
en especial a las personas que intervienen directamente en el tratamiento de estos.
El objetivo es proponer un plan para mejorar la seguridad y salud ocupacional durante
el proceso de descontaminación de placas de circuito impreso. Además, se identificarán
las actividades de mayor riesgo a la salud y seguridad, las condiciones deficientes en el
área de trabajo y los componentes peligrosos de las placas de circuito impreso, también
se definirán los métodos de evaluación de riesgo a aplicar en la realización del estudio
La investigación tocará temas como la responsabilidad extendida al productor (REP),
sustentabilidad, responsabilidad social empresarial (RSE), seguridad dentro de las
instalaciones y la salud de los trabajadores (higiene ocupacional, 5S y resaltar los
peligros, Evaluación de Riesgos IPER), ergonomía y mejora continua (ciclo de Deming,
causa-efecto y Pareto). Mediante una mirada integradora, estos temas son importantes
para desarrollar el plan de mejora, ya que cada uno se complementa haciendo que el
plan sea efectivo.
El plan propuesto detalla actividades para optimizar seguridad y mantener la salud del
trabajador. Tiene una duración de 26 días y un costo total de S/ 67,104,
respectivamente. A partir de este periodo, las mejoras deben mantenerse, controlarse y
disciplinarse para no regresar a las condiciones iniciales. El plan consiste en 5 etapas,
las cuales se pueden ejecutar en paralelo. La primera etapa son las capacitaciones, la
segunda etapa es logística de compras de equipos para la protección de los
trabajadores, la tercera etapa es el orden y limpieza mediante las 5S, la cuarta etapa
son los exámenes médicos ocupacionales y la quinta etapa es el mantenimiento de
equipos e infraestructura.
The purpose is to increase the yield of the company analyzed through a project focused on reducing the accident rate in operations within the process of treating waste from electrical and electronic equipment, applying tools that identify critical operations, evaluate the performance of these and quantify the benefit. To begin the evaluation, the used concepts will be explained in order that the theoretical bases are understood. Issues of great importance and relevant to the proposed research will be touched, such as ergonomics since the improvement will be mainly ergonomic. The analyzed object in this research is a solid waste operating company, dedicated to closing the cycle of management and handling of WEEE through its environmental treatment. Some of this waste contains hazardous material, which is harmful to the physical health of people, especially those who are directly involved in their treatment. The objectives of the thesis are to propose a plan to improve occupational health and safety during the decontamination process of printed circuit boards. In addition, the activities with the highest risk to health and safety, the deficient conditions in the work area and the dangerous components of the printed circuit boards will be identified, also the ergonomic risk assessment methods will be defined. The research will include topics such as WEEE management (extended responsibility, sustainability, corporate social responsibility), occupational health and safety (occupational hygiene, 5S and IPER), ergonomics and continuous improvement (Deming cycle, cause-effect, and Pareto). The plan is based on a series of activities to be developed to improve safety and maintain worker health. The improvement duration and the total cost are estimated at 26 days and S/ 67,104, respectively. After this period, the changes must be maintained, controlled, and disciplined so as not to return to the initial conditions. The plan consists of 5 stages, which can be executed simultaneously. The first stage is the training, the second stage is the management of purchases of personal protective equipment, the third stage is the order and cleanliness through the 5S, the fourth stage is the occupational medical examinations, and the fifth stage is the maintenance of equipment and infrastructure.
The purpose is to increase the yield of the company analyzed through a project focused on reducing the accident rate in operations within the process of treating waste from electrical and electronic equipment, applying tools that identify critical operations, evaluate the performance of these and quantify the benefit. To begin the evaluation, the used concepts will be explained in order that the theoretical bases are understood. Issues of great importance and relevant to the proposed research will be touched, such as ergonomics since the improvement will be mainly ergonomic. The analyzed object in this research is a solid waste operating company, dedicated to closing the cycle of management and handling of WEEE through its environmental treatment. Some of this waste contains hazardous material, which is harmful to the physical health of people, especially those who are directly involved in their treatment. The objectives of the thesis are to propose a plan to improve occupational health and safety during the decontamination process of printed circuit boards. In addition, the activities with the highest risk to health and safety, the deficient conditions in the work area and the dangerous components of the printed circuit boards will be identified, also the ergonomic risk assessment methods will be defined. The research will include topics such as WEEE management (extended responsibility, sustainability, corporate social responsibility), occupational health and safety (occupational hygiene, 5S and IPER), ergonomics and continuous improvement (Deming cycle, cause-effect, and Pareto). The plan is based on a series of activities to be developed to improve safety and maintain worker health. The improvement duration and the total cost are estimated at 26 days and S/ 67,104, respectively. After this period, the changes must be maintained, controlled, and disciplined so as not to return to the initial conditions. The plan consists of 5 stages, which can be executed simultaneously. The first stage is the training, the second stage is the management of purchases of personal protective equipment, the third stage is the order and cleanliness through the 5S, the fourth stage is the occupational medical examinations, and the fifth stage is the maintenance of equipment and infrastructure.
Productividad--Mejoramiento, Seguridad industrial--Gestión, Industria--Residuos sólidos, Salud ocupacional, Ergonomía
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