Discurso periodístico de la trata de personas con fines de explotación sexual en los diarios Trome y El Comercio
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La trata de personas es un delito en el que se capta a una persona para explotarla, ya sea
sexualmente, laboralmente o bajo otras modalidades. En el 2018 se registró en el Perú 1358
casos de trata de personas y dos de cada tres víctimas fueron captadas con la finalidad de
explotación sexual (CHS Alternativo, 2020). El rol de los medios de comunicación es
importante para visibilizar el tema de la trata a la población en general, y a poblaciones
vulnerables en particular, así como las consecuencias e implicaciones que el fenómeno conlleva
entre las víctimas y en la sociedad. La investigación tiene el objetivo de analizar el discurso
periodístico del delito de trata de personas con fines de explotación sexual de los diarios Trome
y El Comercio, analizando noticias que abordan el tema tomando como periodo temporal 4
hitos relevantes en los últimos 6 años en el Perú que se reparten entre mayo del 2014 y octubre
del 2019. El abordaje teórico del estudio se orienta en las teorías del discurso y framing, con
aproximaciones de condiciones estructurales de la trata de personas y postulados teóricos
relacionados con la violencia de género y explotación. Se concluye que el discurso de ambos
diarios tiene variaciones, a pesar de ser del mismo grupo editorial. Los cambios en el discurso
entre las noticias publicadas en el 2014 y en el 2019 son visibles, incluyendo una terminología
correcta, pero es necesario reforzar otros aspectos y una mayor cobertura al tema.
Human trafficking is a crime in which a person is recruited to be exploited, whether sexually, for labor, or in other ways. In 2018, 1358 cases of human trafficking were registered in Peru and two out of three victims were captured for sexual exploitation (CHS Alternativo, 2020). The role of the media is important to make the issue of trafficking visible to the population in general and to vulnerable populations, as well as the consequences and implications that the phenomenon entails among victims and in society. The research aims to analyze the journalistic discourse of the crime of human trafficking for sexual exploitation in the newspapers Trome and El Comercio, analyzing news that addresses the issue taking as a time period 4 relevant milestones in the last 6 years in Peru that are distributed between May 2014 and October 2019. The theoretical approach of the study is oriented in the theories of discourse and framing, with approximations of structural conditions of human trafficking and theoretical postulates related to gender violence and exploitation. It is concluded that the discourse of both newspapers has variations, despite being of the same editorial group. The changes in the discourse between the news published in 2014 and 2019 are visible, including correct terminology, but it is necessary to reinforce other aspects and greater coverage of the topic.
Human trafficking is a crime in which a person is recruited to be exploited, whether sexually, for labor, or in other ways. In 2018, 1358 cases of human trafficking were registered in Peru and two out of three victims were captured for sexual exploitation (CHS Alternativo, 2020). The role of the media is important to make the issue of trafficking visible to the population in general and to vulnerable populations, as well as the consequences and implications that the phenomenon entails among victims and in society. The research aims to analyze the journalistic discourse of the crime of human trafficking for sexual exploitation in the newspapers Trome and El Comercio, analyzing news that addresses the issue taking as a time period 4 relevant milestones in the last 6 years in Peru that are distributed between May 2014 and October 2019. The theoretical approach of the study is oriented in the theories of discourse and framing, with approximations of structural conditions of human trafficking and theoretical postulates related to gender violence and exploitation. It is concluded that the discourse of both newspapers has variations, despite being of the same editorial group. The changes in the discourse between the news published in 2014 and 2019 are visible, including correct terminology, but it is necessary to reinforce other aspects and greater coverage of the topic.
Trata de personas--Perú, Análisis del discurso--Periódicos peruanos, Periodismo--Aspectos sociales
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