La retroalimentación y su vínculo con la autonomía en niños de tres años en el marco de la educación a distancia en una Institución Educativa Estatal en San Miguel
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La retroalimentación es un elemento esencial de la evaluación formativa y está
indiscutiblemente al beneficio del aprendizaje de los niños y niñas, por ello,
acompaña, guía, ofrece información sobre lo que han realizado para favorecer
los aprendizajes. En el contexto actual de pandemia por el covid-19 este
proceso de la evaluación formativa ha estado presente y de manera
permanente dentro de la práctica educativa como base central para apoyar
los procesos de aprendizaje. Es de esta manera que la presente investigación
busca describir cómo la docente lo ha manejado, pero, además, conocer la
implicancia de las prácticas retro alimentadoras sobre la autonomía. Por esta
razón, el objetivo de esta investigación descriptiva con enfoque cualitativo y
con método, el estudio de caso, es analizar el proceso de retroalimentación
formativa que brinda la docente y su contribución en la construcción de la
autonomía en niños de tres años durante la educación a distancia. Asimismo,
uno de los principales hallazgos es que se considera que la retroalimentación
favorece la autonomía de los niños y niñas en la medida en que se generan
preguntas sobre lo que han elaborado, se enfrentan a momentos de reflexión
en los cuales deben pensar autónomamente sus respuestas o despertando la
toma de decisiones para responder a una situación compleja. De manera que,
sirve como medio para que los niños comiencen a desarrollar sus propios
procesos de aprendizaje individuales y simultáneamente van ganando
confianza. Es así como van construyendo las bases para ganar autonomía en
sus propios procesos de aprendizaje.
Feedback is an essential element of formative evaluation and it is unquestionably beneficial to children's learning, therefore, it accompanies, guides, offers information on what they have done to promote learning. In the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic, this formative assessment process has been present and permanently in all educational practice in order to support students in their learning processes. This is how this research seeks to describe what the process is like in the classroom, but also to know its implication in autonomy. Therefore, the objective of this descriptive research with a qualitative approach and with a case study method is to analyze the formative feedback process provided by the teacher and its contribution to the construction of autonomy in three-year-old children during distance education. . Likewise, one of the main findings is that it is considered that feedback favors the autonomy of children to the extent that questions are generated about what they have elaborated, they face moments of reflection in which they must think autonomously their answers, awakening decision making to respond to a complex situation. Thus, it serves as a means for children to begin to develop their own individual learning processes and at the same time gain confidence. This is how they build the foundations to gain autonomy in their own learning processes.
Feedback is an essential element of formative evaluation and it is unquestionably beneficial to children's learning, therefore, it accompanies, guides, offers information on what they have done to promote learning. In the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic, this formative assessment process has been present and permanently in all educational practice in order to support students in their learning processes. This is how this research seeks to describe what the process is like in the classroom, but also to know its implication in autonomy. Therefore, the objective of this descriptive research with a qualitative approach and with a case study method is to analyze the formative feedback process provided by the teacher and its contribution to the construction of autonomy in three-year-old children during distance education. . Likewise, one of the main findings is that it is considered that feedback favors the autonomy of children to the extent that questions are generated about what they have elaborated, they face moments of reflection in which they must think autonomously their answers, awakening decision making to respond to a complex situation. Thus, it serves as a means for children to begin to develop their own individual learning processes and at the same time gain confidence. This is how they build the foundations to gain autonomy in their own learning processes.
Autonomía infantil, Educación a distancia, Aprendizaje (Educación), COVID-19 (Enfermedad)--Aspectos educativos, Educación preescolar--Investigaciones
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