Planeamiento estratégico de la Corporación Financiera de Desarrollo (COFIDE)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La Corporación Financiera de Desarrollo (COFIDE) fue creada en el año 1971 como
un banco de primer piso, y a partir del año 1992 desarrolla las funciones de un banco de
segundo piso, canalizando sus recursos financieros mediante instituciones financieras.
COFIDE tiene como accionista mayoritario al Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento de la
Actividad Empresarial del Estado (Fonafe), con 99.22% del capital social y al Banco de
Desarrollo de América Latina (CAF), con 0.78% de participación.
El presente plan estratégico de COFIDE propuesto para el periodo 2017-2027, ha sido
desarrollado bajo el modelo secuencial del proceso estratégico, el cual se desarrollará
enfocándose en la visión propuesta para 2027, de “ser reconocidos como un referente de
banco de desarrollo; y el principal socio estratégico de las empresas peruanas”.
La misión de COFIDE es proporcionar recursos financieros y asesoría integral a las
empresas peruanas, buscando el desarrollo sostenible y el bienestar social del país. La cultura
organizacional de COFIDE basada en valores como compromiso, transparencia, calidad y
liderazgo, así como en principios éticos de identidad, interdependencia y buena fe, además de
la excelencia, serán la guía del accionar de cada uno de sus miembros y de las actividades que
Para el logro de la visión se ha identificado tres objetivos de largo plazo (OLP) y 17
objetivos de corto plazo, los cuales se enfocan en generar un mayor impacto en el desarrollo
del país a través de una mayor participación de COFIDE en la MYPE, sectores productivos,
infraestructura, medio ambiente y turismo. Así también, se propone mejorar sus ratios de
solvencia y cartera crítica, además de mejorar sus costos de fondeo e incrementar la captación
de recursos financieros. Para llevar la ejecución y control de los 17 objetivos de corto plazo
trazados, se utilizará la herramienta del Balance Score Card
The Corporación Financiera de Desarrollo (COFIDE) was created in 1971 as a firsttier bank and since 1992 has developed the functions of a second-tier bank, channeling its financial resources through financial institutions. COFIDE has a majority shareholding in the Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento de la Actividad Empresarial del Estado (Fonafe) with 99.22% of the share capital and the (CAF) with a 0.78% share. The present COFIDE Strategic Plan for the period 2017-2027 has been developed under the Sequential Strategic Process Model, which will be developed based on the vision proposed for 2026. This vision is “to be recognized as a reference bench Investment and development; and the main strategic partner of Peruvian companies”. The mission is to provide financial resources and comprehensive advice to Peruvian companies, seeking the sustainable development and social welfare of the country. The organizational culture of COFIDE based on values such as commitment, transparency, quality and leadership, as well as ethical principles of Identity, Interdependence, good faith and excellence; will be the guide of the action of each member and activity to perform. To achieve the vision, three long-term objectives (LPOs) and 17 short-term objectives have been identified, which are aimed at generating a greater impact on the country's development through achieving a greater participation of COFIDE in the MYPE, productive sectors, infrastructure, environment and tourism. So too, improve your solvency ratios and critical portfolio. In addition to improving its funding costs and increasing funding. To carry out the execution and control of the milestones drawn, the Balance Score Card tool will be used
The Corporación Financiera de Desarrollo (COFIDE) was created in 1971 as a firsttier bank and since 1992 has developed the functions of a second-tier bank, channeling its financial resources through financial institutions. COFIDE has a majority shareholding in the Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento de la Actividad Empresarial del Estado (Fonafe) with 99.22% of the share capital and the (CAF) with a 0.78% share. The present COFIDE Strategic Plan for the period 2017-2027 has been developed under the Sequential Strategic Process Model, which will be developed based on the vision proposed for 2026. This vision is “to be recognized as a reference bench Investment and development; and the main strategic partner of Peruvian companies”. The mission is to provide financial resources and comprehensive advice to Peruvian companies, seeking the sustainable development and social welfare of the country. The organizational culture of COFIDE based on values such as commitment, transparency, quality and leadership, as well as ethical principles of Identity, Interdependence, good faith and excellence; will be the guide of the action of each member and activity to perform. To achieve the vision, three long-term objectives (LPOs) and 17 short-term objectives have been identified, which are aimed at generating a greater impact on the country's development through achieving a greater participation of COFIDE in the MYPE, productive sectors, infrastructure, environment and tourism. So too, improve your solvency ratios and critical portfolio. In addition to improving its funding costs and increasing funding. To carry out the execution and control of the milestones drawn, the Balance Score Card tool will be used
Bancos -- Perú, Instituciones financieras -- Perú, Planificación estratégica
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