Business consulting para la empresa CONAUTO
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la actualidad, CONAUTO enfrenta el desafío de mejorar sus tiempos de entrega de
vehículos para cumplir con las expectativas cada vez más altas de sus clientes. Un índice de
cumplimiento de entregas a tiempo (TE%) por debajo del óptimo genera insatisfacción,
perjudica la imagen de la empresa y limita su potencial de crecimiento.
Para superar este desafío, CONAUTO ha diseñado un plan que contempla la
implementación de medidas innovadoras y efectivas: (a) Ampliación de la capacidad de
atención: Se incrementará en un 50% la capacidad del área de servicio de mantenimiento,
pasando de 14 a 21 módulos. Esto permitirá atender a 64 vehículos por día, un 49% más que
los 43 actuales, reduciendo significativamente el tiempo promedio de atención por vehículo de
2.8 a 1.7 horas, (b) Implementación de tecnología de vanguardia: Se incorporará el "Rotary
Parking System de 16 celdas", una tecnología revolucionaria que agilizará los procesos de
entrega y distribución de vehículos, reduciendo los tiempos de espera y aumentando la
eficiencia en un 20%, y (c) Fortalecimiento del capital humano: Se aumentará en un 20% el
número de trabajadores capacitados, garantizando un personal altamente calificado y
comprometido con la excelencia en el servicio.
La implementación de este plan generará una serie de beneficios tangibles para
CONAUTO: (a) Reducción del tiempo promedio de atención por vehículo: Disminuirá de 2.8
a 1.7 horas, mejorando la eficiencia y la satisfacción de los clientes, (b) Elevación del índice
de cumplimiento de entregas a tiempo (TE%): Se superará el 95%, fortaleciendo la imagen de
CONAUTO como una empresa confiable y comprometida con sus clientes, (c) Crecimiento
del 5% en los ingresos por servicios de postventa: Un aumento en la satisfacción del cliente
impulsará la demanda de estos servicios, generando mayor rentabilidad, y (d) Mejora del 5%
en el índice de satisfacción del cliente (CSI): Se consolidará la lealtad de los clientes y se
posicionará a CONAUTO como líder en excelencia en la atención al cliente.
La inversión total del proyecto es de S/ 804,479.15 e incluye el “Sistema de
Estacionamiento Rotativo” ha sido evaluada rigurosamente y se ha determinado que es
económicamente viable: (a) Valor Actual Neto (VAN): S/ 553,072.08 (positivo), indicando
que el proyecto generará valor para la empresa al superar la inversión inicial, (b) Tasa Interna
de Retorno (TIR): 52%, superior al costo de oportunidad del capital (COK) del 7%,
evidenciando la rentabilidad del proyecto, y (c) Periodo de Recuperación de la Inversión (PRI):
1 año y 3 meses, demostrando la rápida recuperación de la inversión.
La implementación del plan propuesto representa una oportunidad inmejorable para que
CONAUTO dé un salto hacia la excelencia en la atención al cliente. Los beneficios tangibles
en eficiencia, satisfacción del cliente, rentabilidad y posicionamiento en el mercado, sumados
a la viabilidad económica del proyecto, lo convierten en una decisión fundamental para el
futuro de CONAUTO.
Currently, CONAUTO faces the challenge of improving its vehicle delivery times to meet the increasingly high expectations of its customers. An on-time delivery compliance index (TE%) below the optimum generates dissatisfaction, damages the company's image, and limits its growth potential. To overcome this challenge, CONAUTO has designed a plan that contemplates the implementation of innovative and effective measures: (a) Expansion of service capacity: The capacity of the maintenance service area will be increased by 50%, going from 14 to 21 modules. This will allow for servicing 64 vehicles per day, 49% more than the current 43, significantly reducing the average service time per vehicle from 2.8 to 1.7 hours, (b) Implementation of cutting-edge technology: The "16-cell Rotary Parking System" will be incorporated, a revolutionary technology that will streamline vehicle delivery and distribution processes, reducing waiting times and increasing efficiency by 20%, and (c) Strengthening of human capital: The number of trained workers will be increased by 20%, ensuring highly qualified personnel committed to service excellence. The implementation of this plan will generate a series of tangible benefits for CONAUTO: (a) Reduction of average service time per vehicle: It will decrease from 2.8 to 1.7 hours, improving efficiency and customer satisfaction, (b) Elevation of the on-time delivery compliance index (TE%): It will exceed 95%, strengthening CONAUTO's image as a reliable company committed to its customers, (c) 5% growth in after-sales service revenue: An increase in customer satisfaction will drive demand for these services, generating greater profitability, and (d) 5% improvement in the customer satisfaction index (CSI): This will consolidate customer loyalty and position CONAUTO as a leader in customer service excellence. iv The total investment for the project is S/ 804,479.15 and includes the "Rotary Parking System". It has been rigorously evaluated and determined to be economically viable: (a) Net Present Value (NPV): S/ 553,072.08 (positive), indicating that the project will generate value for the company by exceeding the initial investment, (b) Internal Rate of Return (IRR): 52%, higher than the cost of capital opportunity (COK) of 7%, evidencing the project's profitability, and (c) Investment Recovery Period (IRP): 1 year and 3 months, demonstrating the rapid recovery of the investment. The implementation of the proposed plan represents an unbeatable opportunity for CONAUTO to take a leap towards excellence in customer service. The tangible benefits in efficiency, customer satisfaction, profitability, and market positioning, coupled with the economic viability of the project, make it a fundamental decision for CONAUTO's future.
Currently, CONAUTO faces the challenge of improving its vehicle delivery times to meet the increasingly high expectations of its customers. An on-time delivery compliance index (TE%) below the optimum generates dissatisfaction, damages the company's image, and limits its growth potential. To overcome this challenge, CONAUTO has designed a plan that contemplates the implementation of innovative and effective measures: (a) Expansion of service capacity: The capacity of the maintenance service area will be increased by 50%, going from 14 to 21 modules. This will allow for servicing 64 vehicles per day, 49% more than the current 43, significantly reducing the average service time per vehicle from 2.8 to 1.7 hours, (b) Implementation of cutting-edge technology: The "16-cell Rotary Parking System" will be incorporated, a revolutionary technology that will streamline vehicle delivery and distribution processes, reducing waiting times and increasing efficiency by 20%, and (c) Strengthening of human capital: The number of trained workers will be increased by 20%, ensuring highly qualified personnel committed to service excellence. The implementation of this plan will generate a series of tangible benefits for CONAUTO: (a) Reduction of average service time per vehicle: It will decrease from 2.8 to 1.7 hours, improving efficiency and customer satisfaction, (b) Elevation of the on-time delivery compliance index (TE%): It will exceed 95%, strengthening CONAUTO's image as a reliable company committed to its customers, (c) 5% growth in after-sales service revenue: An increase in customer satisfaction will drive demand for these services, generating greater profitability, and (d) 5% improvement in the customer satisfaction index (CSI): This will consolidate customer loyalty and position CONAUTO as a leader in customer service excellence. iv The total investment for the project is S/ 804,479.15 and includes the "Rotary Parking System". It has been rigorously evaluated and determined to be economically viable: (a) Net Present Value (NPV): S/ 553,072.08 (positive), indicating that the project will generate value for the company by exceeding the initial investment, (b) Internal Rate of Return (IRR): 52%, higher than the cost of capital opportunity (COK) of 7%, evidencing the project's profitability, and (c) Investment Recovery Period (IRP): 1 year and 3 months, demonstrating the rapid recovery of the investment. The implementation of the proposed plan represents an unbeatable opportunity for CONAUTO to take a leap towards excellence in customer service. The tangible benefits in efficiency, customer satisfaction, profitability, and market positioning, coupled with the economic viability of the project, make it a fundamental decision for CONAUTO's future.
Currently, CONAUTO faces the challenge of improving its vehicle delivery times to meet the
increasingly high expectations of its customers. An on-time delivery compliance index (TE%)
below the optimum generates dissatisfaction, damages the company's image, and limits its
growth potential.
To overcome this challenge, CONAUTO has designed a plan that contemplates the
implementation of innovative and effective measures: (a) Expansion of service capacity: The
capacity of the maintenance service area will be increased by 50%, going from 14 to 21
modules. This will allow for servicing 64 vehicles per day, 49% more than the current 43,
significantly reducing the average service time per vehicle from 2.8 to 1.7 hours, (b)
Implementation of cutting-edge technology: The "16-cell Rotary Parking System" will be
incorporated, a revolutionary technology that will streamline vehicle delivery and distribution
processes, reducing waiting times and increasing efficiency by 20%, and (c) Strengthening of
human capital: The number of trained workers will be increased by 20%, ensuring highly
qualified personnel committed to service excellence.
The implementation of this plan will generate a series of tangible benefits for
CONAUTO: (a) Reduction of average service time per vehicle: It will decrease from 2.8 to 1.7
hours, improving efficiency and customer satisfaction, (b) Elevation of the on-time delivery
compliance index (TE%): It will exceed 95%, strengthening CONAUTO's image as a reliable
company committed to its customers, (c) 5% growth in after-sales service revenue: An increase
in customer satisfaction will drive demand for these services, generating greater profitability,
and (d) 5% improvement in the customer satisfaction index (CSI): This will consolidate
customer loyalty and position CONAUTO as a leader in customer service excellence.
The total investment for the project is S/ 804,479.15 and includes the "Rotary Parking
System". It has been rigorously evaluated and determined to be economically viable: (a) Net
Present Value (NPV): S/ 553,072.08 (positive), indicating that the project will generate value
for the company by exceeding the initial investment, (b) Internal Rate of Return (IRR): 52%,
higher than the cost of capital opportunity (COK) of 7%, evidencing the project's profitability,
and (c) Investment Recovery Period (IRP): 1 year and 3 months, demonstrating the rapid
recovery of the investment.
The implementation of the proposed plan represents an unbeatable opportunity for
CONAUTO to take a leap towards excellence in customer service. The tangible benefits in
efficiency, customer satisfaction, profitability, and market positioning, coupled with the
economic viability of the project, make it a fundamental decision for CONAUTO's future.
Automóviles--Industria y comercio, oncesionarios de automóviles--Mejora de procesos, Planificación estratégica
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