Felicidad organizacional: estudio descriptivo del área comercial de las distribuidoras exclusivas de una Empresa de consumo masivo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La felicidad es una emoción natural en las personas y, según diferentes autores, esta
puede ser considerada como el objetivo principal en la vida de los individuos. Es debido a
esto que es de suma importancia poder crear entornos y situaciones para fomentar la
felicidad, no solo en el ámbito personal sino también laboral. Hoy en día, la felicidad es un
tema creciente y de cada vez mayor importancia para las organizaciones, ya que, según
diversos estudios, una persona feliz con su trabajo tiene mejores rendimientos y esto es
medible en su productividad y forma de trabajo.
La presente investigación se enfoca en el área comercial de distribuidoras de una
empresa de consumo masivo, y comprende la medición de la felicidad organizacional y el
análisis de la relación que se tiene con las variables de género, edad, tiempo de trabajo,
puesto de trabajo, estado civil y grado de instrucción; así como de las dimensiones o factores
contemplados: positividad y sentido, relaciones confiables, desarrollo profesional,
compromiso, logro y reconocimiento, trabajo en equipo, ayuda de superiores y necesidades
básicas. De la misma manera se realizó la medición general del nivel de Felicidad
Organizacional en la población escogida, así como la comparación entre las variables
La investigación realizada es descriptiva con un enfoque cuantitativo y fue realizada
en una muestra 201 trabajadores, inferido de una población total de 400 empleados en Lima
Metropolitana. La investigación tuvo como instrumento base la Escala de Felicidad
Organizacional de Singh y Aggarwal (2017). Los resultados obtenidos de la investigación
realizada dieron un nivel general de Felicidad Organizacional de la población de 4.11, lo que
significa un alto grado de Felicidad Organizacional, los principales factores determinantes de
esta fueron compromiso (4.4) y positividad y sentido (4.36). Finalmente, según los resultados
obtenidos y al analizar lo que esto significa para el sector estudiado, se plantean diferentes recomendaciones según cada dimensión estudiada, con el fin de promover planes de acción
para mejorar el nivel de Felicidad Organizacional en las distribuidoras estudiadas, las cuales
podrían ser replicadas en un futuro por diferentes entidades del mismo sector.
Happiness is a natural emotion in people and, according to different authors, it has been considered the main objective in the lives of individuals. This is why it is very important to create environments and situations to promote happiness, not only at personal but also work level. Nowdays, happiness is a growing topic and its importance is increasing in the organizations, as per, according to muliples studies, a happy person has better performance at work and this is measurable in the productivity and way of working. This research is focused on the commercial area of a massive consume company, and includes the measure of organizational happiness and the analysis of the relationship with the variables of gender, age, work time, position, marital status and education level; and the dimensions or factors contemplated: positivity and meaning, reliable relationships, professional development, commitment, achievement and recognition, teamwork, help from superiors and basic needs. In the same way, the general measurement of the level of Organizational Happiness was done in the chosen population, as the comparison between the aforementioned variables. The research is descriptive with a quantitative approach and was conducted in a sample of 201 workers, inferred from a total population of 400 employees in Metropolitan Lima. The research was based on the Organizational Happiness Scale of Singh and Aggarwal (2017). The results obtained from the research conducted, gave a general value of Organizational Happiness of the population of 4.11, which means a high level of Organizational Happiness, the main determining factors of this were commitment (4.4) and positivity and meaning (4.36). Finally, according to the results obtained and analyzing what this means for the studied population, different recommendations are proposed according to each dimension studied, in order to promote action plans to improve the level of Organizational Happiness in the distributors studied, which could be replicated in the future by different entities in the same sector.
Happiness is a natural emotion in people and, according to different authors, it has been considered the main objective in the lives of individuals. This is why it is very important to create environments and situations to promote happiness, not only at personal but also work level. Nowdays, happiness is a growing topic and its importance is increasing in the organizations, as per, according to muliples studies, a happy person has better performance at work and this is measurable in the productivity and way of working. This research is focused on the commercial area of a massive consume company, and includes the measure of organizational happiness and the analysis of the relationship with the variables of gender, age, work time, position, marital status and education level; and the dimensions or factors contemplated: positivity and meaning, reliable relationships, professional development, commitment, achievement and recognition, teamwork, help from superiors and basic needs. In the same way, the general measurement of the level of Organizational Happiness was done in the chosen population, as the comparison between the aforementioned variables. The research is descriptive with a quantitative approach and was conducted in a sample of 201 workers, inferred from a total population of 400 employees in Metropolitan Lima. The research was based on the Organizational Happiness Scale of Singh and Aggarwal (2017). The results obtained from the research conducted, gave a general value of Organizational Happiness of the population of 4.11, which means a high level of Organizational Happiness, the main determining factors of this were commitment (4.4) and positivity and meaning (4.36). Finally, according to the results obtained and analyzing what this means for the studied population, different recommendations are proposed according to each dimension studied, in order to promote action plans to improve the level of Organizational Happiness in the distributors studied, which could be replicated in the future by different entities in the same sector.
Felicidad y satisfacción laboral, Felicidad y satisfacción profesional, Investigación cuantitativa