Propuesta de un modelo de negocio para la distribución de Gas Natural Comprimido (GNC) a industrias en la coyuntura actual
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el contexto actual muchas empresas se han visto en la imperiosa necesidad de reducir
sus costos operativos y hacer sus procesos más eficientes. Uno de los sectores más impactados en
el contexto actual es el sector industrial, adicionalmente al hecho de que muchos de ellos en la
región norte de Lima no tienen acceso a las redes de distribución de Gas Natural y se ven
obligados a consumir combustibles convencionales para sus procesos productivos. Por otro lado,
es necesario también alienarse a las tendencias globales de cuidado del medio ambiente en las
cuales los sectores productivos deben hacer un uso más eficiente de la energía. Esto se refleja en
la implementación de sistemas de monitoreo y control del uso eficiente de la energía, la
innovación tecnológica y cuidado del medio ambiente tomado como línea base los Objetivos de
Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU.
El presente modelo de negocio pretende contribuir al acceso de las empresas industriales
que se encuentran fuera de la red de distribución de Gas Natural y que tienen como objetivo
incrementar sus índices de rentabilidad mediante la reducción de costos operativos y mejora de su
producto terminado, accediendo a combustibles alternativos a los derivados del petróleo que son
más económicos y contribuyen a la reducción de la contaminación ambiental.
Respecto de los indicadores de retornos de la inversión evaluamos la propuesta en un
horizonte de 10 años con una tasa de descuento de 8.06% (OSINERGMIN, 2015), con recursos
de la inversión al 100% en capital propio. Como resultado del análisis se obtienen los siguientes
indicadores: VAN igual a S/ 2’143,719.47, una TIR igual a 18.75%, un índice de rentabilidad de
1.58, un tiempo de recuperación de la Inversión de 4.61 años y una relación Beneficio Costo de
In today's context many companies have found the urgent need to reduce their operating costs and make their processes more efficient. One of the sectors most impacted today by the current situation is the industrial sector, in addition to the fact that many of them in the northern region of Lima do not have access to Natural Gas distribution networks and are forced to consume conventional fuels for their production processes. On the other hand, it is also necessary to alienate global environmental care trends in which productive sectors must make more efficient use of energy. For example, implementing systems for monitoring and controlling the efficient use of energy, technological innovation and environmental care taken as a baseline for the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This business model aims to contribute to the access of industrial companies outside gas's distribution network and that aim to increase their profitability rates by reducing operating costs and improving their finished product, accessing alternative fuels to oil derivatives that are cheaper and contribute to the reduction of environmental pollution. Regarding investment return indicators, we evaluate the proposal over a 10-year horizon with a discount rate of 8.06% (OSINERGMIN, 2015), with investment resources at 100% in equity. As a result of the analysis, the following indicators are obtained: VAN equal to S/ 2'143,719.47, a TIR equal to 18.75%, a profitability index of 1.58, an investment recovery time of 4.61 years.
In today's context many companies have found the urgent need to reduce their operating costs and make their processes more efficient. One of the sectors most impacted today by the current situation is the industrial sector, in addition to the fact that many of them in the northern region of Lima do not have access to Natural Gas distribution networks and are forced to consume conventional fuels for their production processes. On the other hand, it is also necessary to alienate global environmental care trends in which productive sectors must make more efficient use of energy. For example, implementing systems for monitoring and controlling the efficient use of energy, technological innovation and environmental care taken as a baseline for the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This business model aims to contribute to the access of industrial companies outside gas's distribution network and that aim to increase their profitability rates by reducing operating costs and improving their finished product, accessing alternative fuels to oil derivatives that are cheaper and contribute to the reduction of environmental pollution. Regarding investment return indicators, we evaluate the proposal over a 10-year horizon with a discount rate of 8.06% (OSINERGMIN, 2015), with investment resources at 100% in equity. As a result of the analysis, the following indicators are obtained: VAN equal to S/ 2'143,719.47, a TIR equal to 18.75%, a profitability index of 1.58, an investment recovery time of 4.61 years.
Gas natural comprimido, Industria--Costos de operaciones