Modelo prolab: Ingenia Solution, propuesta de consultoría en gestión de conflictos socioambientales
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo propone una solución de negocio asociada a los conflictos
socioambientales que se generan en el país por una inadecuada gestión de las actividades
mineras y su impacto en las comunidades, con los objetivos de impulsar el desarrollo local en
educación, trabajo y salud, mejorar la relación entre la comunidad y la empresa minera, para
promover el control de los impactos negativos en el entorno.
Siendo en Perú, la minería una de las principales actividades económicas
representando el 11% del PBI y 60% de las exportaciones nacionales, aproximadamente más
del 67% de los conflictos existentes (94 de 140), están relacionados a este sector y
generalmente las medidas de protesta de parte de las comunidades ocasionando pérdidas
económicas directas e indirectas alcanzando 2.3% del PBI minero.
Se tiene como principales actores al usuario que son las empresas mineras, cuya
necesidad a ser cubierta es la no existencia de conflictos socioambientales durante el
desarrollo de sus actividades y el beneficiario que son las comunidades quienes buscan ser
atendidos y lograr su desarrollo.
La propuesta de valor es ofrecer una solución de consultoría innovadora, confiable y
segura utilizando herramientas digitales como Text Analytics y Voice Analytics para relevar
información y a su vez permita consolidar e integrar una data histórica para crear modelos
predictivos en corto tiempo, que permitan medir el impacto si un conflicto se materializa, y
establecer planes preventivos de gestión social entre la mina exploradora y la comunidad.
El proyecto de negocio presenta un VAN de US$469,530 y una TIR = 43.78% lo cual
lo hace viable, esto ha sido evaluado en un escenario de crecimiento conservador. Este
proyecto genera un impacto positivo en la sociedad contribuyendo a los Objetivos de
Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS).
This paper proposes a business solution associated with the socio-environmental conflicts that are generated in the country due to inadequate management of mining activities and their impact on communities, with the objectives of promoting local development in education, work and health, improving the relationship between the community and the mining company, to promote the control of negative impacts on the environment. Being in Peru, mining is one of the main economic activities representing 11% of GDP and 60% of national exports, approximately more than 67% of existing conflicts (94 de 140), are related to this sector and generally the protest measures on the part of the communities causing direct and indirect economic losses reaching 2.3% of the mining GDP. The main actors are the user who are the mining companies, whose need to be covered is the non-existence of socio-environmental conflicts during the development of their activities and the beneficiary who are the communities who seek to be attended and achieve their development. The value proposition is to offer an innovation, reliable and secure consulting solution using digital tools such as Text Analytics and Voice Analytics to collect information and in turn allow consolidating and integrating historical data to create predictive models in a short time, which allow measure the impact if a conflict materializes, and establish preventive social management plans between the exploratory mine and the community. The business project presents a NPV of US$469,530 and an IRR = 43.78%, which makes it viable. This has been evaluated in a conservative growth scenario. This project generates a positive impact on the society that contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
This paper proposes a business solution associated with the socio-environmental conflicts that are generated in the country due to inadequate management of mining activities and their impact on communities, with the objectives of promoting local development in education, work and health, improving the relationship between the community and the mining company, to promote the control of negative impacts on the environment. Being in Peru, mining is one of the main economic activities representing 11% of GDP and 60% of national exports, approximately more than 67% of existing conflicts (94 de 140), are related to this sector and generally the protest measures on the part of the communities causing direct and indirect economic losses reaching 2.3% of the mining GDP. The main actors are the user who are the mining companies, whose need to be covered is the non-existence of socio-environmental conflicts during the development of their activities and the beneficiary who are the communities who seek to be attended and achieve their development. The value proposition is to offer an innovation, reliable and secure consulting solution using digital tools such as Text Analytics and Voice Analytics to collect information and in turn allow consolidating and integrating historical data to create predictive models in a short time, which allow measure the impact if a conflict materializes, and establish preventive social management plans between the exploratory mine and the community. The business project presents a NPV of US$469,530 and an IRR = 43.78%, which makes it viable. This has been evaluated in a conservative growth scenario. This project generates a positive impact on the society that contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Industria minera--Aspectos ambientales, Consultores de empresa--Perú
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