Informe sobre el Laudo Arbitral Final referido al Arbitraje N°CCI N°20513/ASM
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo abarca la aplicación de la normativa general de Derecho Administrativo,
el Texto Único y Ordenado de la Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo General y de la
normativa especial, la Ley de Contrataciones y Adquisiciones del Estado, Ley 26850. Esto en
el Arbitraje CCI N°20513/ASM, en referencia al Laudo Arbitral Final que puso fin a la
controversia entre el Consorcio Nippon Koei -OIST y el Programa Nacional de Saneamiento
Urbano. Esta controversia se inicia con la liquidación del Contrato de Servicio de Consultoría
para la Supervisión de Obras del Proyecto de Mejoramiento y Expansión de los Sistemas de
Abastecimiento de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado de las Ciudades de Piura – Castilla y
This work covers the application not only of the general rules of Administrative Law, the Sole and Orderly Text of the General Administrative Procedure Law, but the special rules, the State Contracting and Procurement Law, Law 26850. This in ICC Arbitration N°20513/ASM, in reference to the Final Arbitral Award that put an end to the dispute between the Nippon Koei -OIST Consortium and the National Urban Sanitation Program. This dispute began with the liquidation of the Consulting Services Contract for the Supervision of Works for the Improvement and Expansion of the Drinking Water Supply and Sewerage Systems of the Cities of Piura - Castilla and Chimbote.
This work covers the application not only of the general rules of Administrative Law, the Sole and Orderly Text of the General Administrative Procedure Law, but the special rules, the State Contracting and Procurement Law, Law 26850. This in ICC Arbitration N°20513/ASM, in reference to the Final Arbitral Award that put an end to the dispute between the Nippon Koei -OIST Consortium and the National Urban Sanitation Program. This dispute began with the liquidation of the Consulting Services Contract for the Supervision of Works for the Improvement and Expansion of the Drinking Water Supply and Sewerage Systems of the Cities of Piura - Castilla and Chimbote.
Arbitraje y laudo--Legislación--Perú, Derecho administrativo--Legislación--Perú, Contratos públicos--Legislación--Perú, Servicios públicos--Legislación--Perú