Plan estratégico para el sector agrícola con economía circular
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El sector agrícola peruano siempre ha contribuido de manera directa a la economía del
país, ya que emplea el 27% de la PEA (junto con la pesca y la minería) y representa el 6% del
PBI nacional. El sector ha mostrado una tendencia de crecimiento en los últimos años en
parte debido a la mayor demanda de los productos peruanos a nivel mundial; lo cual genera
grandes oportunidades de negocio en el Perú.
El Perú cuenta con una fortaleza competitiva importante para el desarrollo del sector
agrícola: la biodiversidad. Es uno de los doce países con mayor biodiversidad a nivel
mundial; gran variedad de climas, especies vegetales, frutas, papas, entre otros. Sin embargo,
el sector se ha desarrollado bajo un modelo de economía lineal que está llegando a sus
límites, provocando estancamiento en las mejoras en el rendimiento del sector, degradación
de los suelos, escasez de agua y degradación del medio ambiente.
El presente Plan Estratégico está enfocado en el concepto de economía circular, y le
propone al MINAGRI un modelo de economía circular donde se use de manera eficiente los
recursos del sector bajo el enfoque de las 4R´s: reciclar, reutilizar, reducir y recuperar los
residuos orgánicos e inorgánicos de la actividad agrícola. Todo esto con el fin de promover
nuevas formas de crear valor y de aumentar el bienestar social y económico de todos los
agentes del sector.
Peru's agricultural sector has always contributed directly to the country's economy, employing the 27% of the EAP (along with fishing and mining) and accounts for 6% of the national GDP. The sector has shown a growth trend in recent years in part due to increased demand for Peruvian products worldwide; which creates great business opportunities in Peru. Peru has an important competitive strength for the development of agriculture: biodiversity. It is one of the twelve most biodiverse countries worldwide; variety of climates, plants, fruits, potatoes, among others. However, the sector has developed under a linear model economy which is reaching its limits, causing stagnation in performance improvements in the sector, land degradation, water scarcity and environmental degradation. This thesis develops the Strategic Plan focused on the concept of circular economy, and proposes to MINAGRI a model of circular economy where agricultural resources are used efficiently under the approach 4R's: recycle, reuse, reduce and recover organic and inorganic wastes. All this in order to promote new ways to create value and increase the social and economic welfare of all industry players.
Peru's agricultural sector has always contributed directly to the country's economy, employing the 27% of the EAP (along with fishing and mining) and accounts for 6% of the national GDP. The sector has shown a growth trend in recent years in part due to increased demand for Peruvian products worldwide; which creates great business opportunities in Peru. Peru has an important competitive strength for the development of agriculture: biodiversity. It is one of the twelve most biodiverse countries worldwide; variety of climates, plants, fruits, potatoes, among others. However, the sector has developed under a linear model economy which is reaching its limits, causing stagnation in performance improvements in the sector, land degradation, water scarcity and environmental degradation. This thesis develops the Strategic Plan focused on the concept of circular economy, and proposes to MINAGRI a model of circular economy where agricultural resources are used efficiently under the approach 4R's: recycle, reuse, reduce and recover organic and inorganic wastes. All this in order to promote new ways to create value and increase the social and economic welfare of all industry players.
Economía ambiental, Agricultura--Perú, Planificación estratégica
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