Planeamiento estratégico para la industria arequipeña de lácteos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El propósito de la presente tesis es examinar el contexto de la industria láctea y a
partir de ello proponer estrategias externas e internas para la industria arequipeña de lácteos
que permitan convertirla en la principal cuenca productora de leche del país y la segunda
cuenca con mejor rendimiento a nivel internacional. En tal sentido destaca que el alcance del
presente trabajo se concentra en los productores de leche de la cuenca de Arequipa.
En primer lugar, se analizará el contexto general del sector lácteo a nivel nacional e
internacional en los últimos años, lo que permitirá comprender el escenario actual de la
industria láctea de Arequipa. Posteriormente se realizará un diagnóstico que permitirá
identificar las fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas del sector, de igual forma se
hará un análisis de la industria con sus competidores y sus referentes. En una siguiente
instancia se definirán los objetivos y se seleccionarán estrategias externas e internas que
permitan alcanzar la visión establecida. Por último, se determinarán los hitos u objetivos a
corto plazo y se fijarán los indicadores y mediciones que permitan tomar medidas correctivas
ante cualquier desviación; para concluir con la presentación del Plan Estratégico Integral.
Dentro de los principales hallazgos de esta tesis se ha identificado que la industria
arequipeña de lácteos cuenta con una trayectoria reconocida, destacándola como una de las
principales cuencas a nivel nacional, sin embargo en la última década la producción de leche
a través de la reconstitución y recombinación de la leche en polvo, la eliminación de
aranceles a la importación de este insumo, y la existencia de esfuerzos aislados por parte de
los productores, ha mermado la competitividad de la industria. A pesar de ello, existen
oportunidades que pueden revertir esta situación, como la necesidad de autoabastecimiento
nacional que exige la integración de los productores y el desarrollo de nuevas capacidades
tales como el uso intensivo de tecnología, el desarrollo de infraestructura, el correcto manejo
de alimentación del ganado y el desarrollo genético en la reproducción del ganado
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the dairy industry context and from there propose external and internal strategies for Arequipa dairy industry that will turn it into the main milk producing in the country and the second basin with the best throwput in an international level. The scope of this thesis focused on the milk producers of Arequipa’s basin. To begin, the general context of the dairy sector at national and international level in the recent years will be analyzed, which will make it possible to understand the current scenario of the Arequipa dairy industry. After, a diagnosis will be made to identify the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats of the sector, similarly an analysis of the industry with its competitors and its referents will be made. Posterior, the objectives will be defined, also external and internal strategies will be selected to achieve the established vision. Finally the short-term objectives will be determined and indicators and measurements will be established to allow corrective measures to be taken in the event of any deviation; to conclude with the presentation of the Integral Strategic Plan. The main finding of this thesis is that although Arequipa dairy industry has a recognized track record that position it as one of the main basins nationwide, in the last decade the production of milk through reconstitution and recombination of milk powder, the elimination of import tariffs for this input, and the existence of isolated efforts by producers, have reduced its competitiveness. Despite this, there are some opportunities that can reverse this situation, such as the need for national self-sufficiency that requires the integration of producers and the development of new capabilities such as the intensive use of technology, the development of infrastructure, the suitable management of livestock feed and the genetic development in its reproduction
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the dairy industry context and from there propose external and internal strategies for Arequipa dairy industry that will turn it into the main milk producing in the country and the second basin with the best throwput in an international level. The scope of this thesis focused on the milk producers of Arequipa’s basin. To begin, the general context of the dairy sector at national and international level in the recent years will be analyzed, which will make it possible to understand the current scenario of the Arequipa dairy industry. After, a diagnosis will be made to identify the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats of the sector, similarly an analysis of the industry with its competitors and its referents will be made. Posterior, the objectives will be defined, also external and internal strategies will be selected to achieve the established vision. Finally the short-term objectives will be determined and indicators and measurements will be established to allow corrective measures to be taken in the event of any deviation; to conclude with the presentation of the Integral Strategic Plan. The main finding of this thesis is that although Arequipa dairy industry has a recognized track record that position it as one of the main basins nationwide, in the last decade the production of milk through reconstitution and recombination of milk powder, the elimination of import tariffs for this input, and the existence of isolated efforts by producers, have reduced its competitiveness. Despite this, there are some opportunities that can reverse this situation, such as the need for national self-sufficiency that requires the integration of producers and the development of new capabilities such as the intensive use of technology, the development of infrastructure, the suitable management of livestock feed and the genetic development in its reproduction
Leche -- Industria y comercio -- Perú -- Areqipa, Productos lácteos, Planificación estratégica
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