Planeamiento estratégico para el BBVA Continental
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente documento se desarrolla un Plan Estratégico para el BBVA Continental
en un horizonte temporal de cinco años (2020-2024), con el cual se busca convertir al banco
en el más rentable del Perú, así como posicionarlo en el primer lugar en cuanto a captaciones,
colocaciones y patrimonio, manteniendo el liderazgo en calidad de servicio, a través del
desarrollo de productos y servicios financieros innovadores. Gracias a la realización de un
exhaustivo análisis y evaluación de factores internos y externos a la organización, así como al
alineamiento con sus intereses, se han establecido cinco objetivos de largo plazo para
alcanzar la visión propuesta, relacionados al incremento de los ingresos financieros, del
retorno sobre el patrimonio, de las ventas por canales digitales, de la participación de
mercado en créditos directos y en depósitos.
Para la consecución de los objetivos de largo plazo se han planteado diversas
estrategias, reteniéndose seis de ellas, las cuales están muy ligadas a la implementación de
soluciones tecnológicas que permitan agilizar la transformación digital del banco, en especial
para el desarrollo de productos como de nuevos modelos de negocio, lo cual tendrá un
impacto directo en la propuesta de valor para el cliente y en la experiencia de usuario, con un
importante enfoque en segmentos de alto crecimiento y rentabilidad. Además, dicha
consecución será posible mediante el cumplimiento de 27 objetivos de corto plazo, para los
cuales se han definido indicadores específicos en un tablero de control balanceado,
permitiendo una visión integral de la organización para facilitar el monitoreo y la toma de
El plan estratégico se ha desarrollado bajo el Modelo Secuencial del Proceso
Estratégico diseñado por el Dr. Fernando D’Alessio Ipinza, caracterizado por ser interactivo e
iterativo, con una generación constante de retroalimentación.
This document develops a Strategic Plan for BBVA Continental in a five-year time horizon (2020-2024), which seeks to turn it into the most profitable bank in Peru, as well as position it in first place in terms of deposits, loans and equity, maintaining its leadership in service quality, through the development of innovative financial products and services. Thanks to an exhaustive analysis and evaluation of internal and external factors to the organization, as well as the alignment with its interests, five long-term objectives have been established to achieve the proposed vision, related to the increase in financial income, return on equity, sales through digital channels, market share in direct loans and deposits. In order to achieve the long-term objectives, several strategies have been proposed, with six of them being retained and closely linked to the implementation of technological solutions to speed up BBVA’s digital transformation, especially in terms of product development and new business models, both of which will have a direct impact on the customer value proposition and user experience with an important focus on high growth and most profitable segments. In addition, this achievement will be possible through the accomplishment of 27 short-term objectives, for which specific indicators have been defined in a Balanced Scorecard, allowing an integral vision of the organization to ease monitoring and decision-making. The strategic plan has been developed under the Sequential Model of the Strategic Process designed by Dr. Fernando D’Alessio Ipinza, recognized for being interactive and iterative, with a constant feedback generation.
This document develops a Strategic Plan for BBVA Continental in a five-year time horizon (2020-2024), which seeks to turn it into the most profitable bank in Peru, as well as position it in first place in terms of deposits, loans and equity, maintaining its leadership in service quality, through the development of innovative financial products and services. Thanks to an exhaustive analysis and evaluation of internal and external factors to the organization, as well as the alignment with its interests, five long-term objectives have been established to achieve the proposed vision, related to the increase in financial income, return on equity, sales through digital channels, market share in direct loans and deposits. In order to achieve the long-term objectives, several strategies have been proposed, with six of them being retained and closely linked to the implementation of technological solutions to speed up BBVA’s digital transformation, especially in terms of product development and new business models, both of which will have a direct impact on the customer value proposition and user experience with an important focus on high growth and most profitable segments. In addition, this achievement will be possible through the accomplishment of 27 short-term objectives, for which specific indicators have been defined in a Balanced Scorecard, allowing an integral vision of the organization to ease monitoring and decision-making. The strategic plan has been developed under the Sequential Model of the Strategic Process designed by Dr. Fernando D’Alessio Ipinza, recognized for being interactive and iterative, with a constant feedback generation.
Bancos--Perú, Instituciones financieras--Perú, Planificación estratégica