Planeamiento estratégico del sector banca múltiple de la Región Junín
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo desarrolló el plan estratégico del Sector Banca Múltiple de la
Región Junín en un horizonte de 5 años. Para su elaboración se ha usado el modelo
secuencial del proceso estratégico presentado por el doctor Fernando D’Alessio (2016), lo
cual ha permitido proponer una visión basada principalmente en convertir al sector en una
industria competitiva, ecológica y socialmente responsable, con una oferta de productos y
servicios financieros rentables, sostenibles, innovadores, a fin de satisfacer las necesidades
actuales y potenciales de personas naturales y jurídicas, de tal modo que el sector Banca
múltiple de la región Junín se convierta en uno de los principales motores de su crecimiento y
desarrollo para el futuro de organizaciones y sociedad.
Actualmente, la Banca múltiple de la región Junín es reconocida como un sector
confiable, solvente, transparente y socio estratégico en el desarrollo de la región Junín,
principalmente del segmento empresarial, empero, mantiene desafíos importantes en relación
a los cambios generacionales, tecnológicos y medio ambientales, con respeto a la
accesibilidad de usuarios digitales o nuevas generaciones, la migración a una Banca digital y
una gestión ecoeficiente.
Además de los indicadores tradicionales como los saldos de colocaciones y
depósitos, índices de morosidad, a su capacidad de respuesta al cliente y a los importantes
niveles de rotación de personal. Como resultado del proceso estratégico, se determinaron
cuatro Objetivos de Largo Plazo (OLP), con el fin de: (a) incrementar el saldo de
colocaciones; (b) incrementar los saldos de depósitos; (c) reducir el índice de morosidad; y
(d) incrementar el porcentaje de bancarización. Asimismo, se plantea implementar un tablero
de control que permita controlar el cumplimiento y medir los resultados de cada Objetivo de
Corto Plazo (OCP) propuesto. Que permitirá cumplir los objetivos de largo plazo y en
consecuencia alcanzar la visión “Para el 2022, el sector banca múltiple de la región Junín
será el líder indiscutible de la región, con la mayor participación de mercado, colocaciones,
depósitos y calidad de cartera, a través de un gran sentido de educación e inclusión
The present work develops the strategic plan of the Multiple Banking Sector of the Junín Region in a horizon of 5 years. For its elaboration, the sequential model of the strategic process proposed by Dr. Fernando D'Alessio has been used, which has allowed to propose a vision based mainly on turning the sector into a competitive, ecologically and socially responsible industry, with an offer of products and Sustainable, innovative financial services in order to meet the current and potential needs of natural and legal persons, so that the multiple banking sector of the Junín region becomes one of the main drivers of its growth and development for the Future of organizations and society. Currently, the Junín region's multiple banking sector is recognized as a reliable, solvent, transparent and strategic partner to the development of the Junín region, mainly in the business segment, but it still has important challenges in relation to generational, technological and environmental changes, With respect to the accessibility of digital users or new generations, migration to digital banking and eco-efficient management. In addition to traditional indicators such as balances of loans and deposits, delinquency rates, customer responsiveness and significant levels of staff turnover. As a result of the strategic process, four Long-Term Objectives (OLP) were determined, in order to: (a) increase the balance of loans; (B) increase deposit balances; (C) reduce the delinquency rate; and (d) increase electronic transactions. Likewise, it is proposed to implement a control board that allows monitoring compliance and measuring the results of each proposed Short Term Objective (OCP)
The present work develops the strategic plan of the Multiple Banking Sector of the Junín Region in a horizon of 5 years. For its elaboration, the sequential model of the strategic process proposed by Dr. Fernando D'Alessio has been used, which has allowed to propose a vision based mainly on turning the sector into a competitive, ecologically and socially responsible industry, with an offer of products and Sustainable, innovative financial services in order to meet the current and potential needs of natural and legal persons, so that the multiple banking sector of the Junín region becomes one of the main drivers of its growth and development for the Future of organizations and society. Currently, the Junín region's multiple banking sector is recognized as a reliable, solvent, transparent and strategic partner to the development of the Junín region, mainly in the business segment, but it still has important challenges in relation to generational, technological and environmental changes, With respect to the accessibility of digital users or new generations, migration to digital banking and eco-efficient management. In addition to traditional indicators such as balances of loans and deposits, delinquency rates, customer responsiveness and significant levels of staff turnover. As a result of the strategic process, four Long-Term Objectives (OLP) were determined, in order to: (a) increase the balance of loans; (B) increase deposit balances; (C) reduce the delinquency rate; and (d) increase electronic transactions. Likewise, it is proposed to implement a control board that allows monitoring compliance and measuring the results of each proposed Short Term Objective (OCP)
Instituciones financieras -- Perú, Planificación estratégica
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