Calidad en las instituciones del sector educación superior universitaria privada en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La Administración de la Calidad Total (TQM, por sus siglas en inglés) es una
herramienta de gestión que puede generar grandes ventajas competitivas a las empresas e
instituciones de cualquier dimensión o sector. La presente investigación buscó identificar el
nivel de calidad percibido en las instituciones del sector de educación superior universitaria
privada en el Perú. A partir de ello, se realizó una comparación del desempeño en materia de
calidad entre las instituciones que cuentan con un Sistema de Gestión de Calidad (SGC)
certificado y aquellas que no.
Para ello, se utilizó un enfoque cuantitativo, utilizando un instrumento basado en
nueve factores de éxito que miden el nivel de desempeño en la administración de la calidad
(Benzaquen, 2014). Asimismo, se identificó una población de 89 universidades privadas. De
estas, se seleccionó una muestra de 42 instituciones, a las que se envió la encuesta para
analizar el desempeño en materia de calidad.
El resultado de la muestra evidenció que, en el sector de educación superior
universitaria privada en Perú, el 40% de las organizaciones cuenta con un SGC
implementado. Además, mostró que no existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas que
permitan afirmar que en este sector, las instituciones que cuentan con un SGC obtienen un
mejor desempeño que aquellas que no lo han implementado. Todo ello se tomó en cuenta con
base en el cumplimiento de los nueve factores de éxito de la calidad.
The management of total quality (TQM for its acronym in English) is a managing tool that can generate great competitive advantages to companies and institutions of any size or industry. This research sought to identify the perceived quality level of higher education institutions, such as private universities in Peru, and then make a comparison of the performance in terms of quality between the institutions that have a certified quality management system (SGC) in place and those that do not. For this reason a quantitative approach was used, utilizing an instrument based on nine factors of success that measure the level of performance in quality management (Benzaquen, 2014). A population of 89 private universities were identified at national level, from which a sample of 42 institutions was selected to participate in a survey to analyze the performance in terms of quality. The result of the sample indicated that, in the sector of private university in Peru, 40% of the organizations have a QMS implemented, moreover, showed that there were no statistically significant differences to infer that institutions in this sector with quality management systems get better performance than those who have not implemented it; in compliance with the nine factors of success of the quality.
The management of total quality (TQM for its acronym in English) is a managing tool that can generate great competitive advantages to companies and institutions of any size or industry. This research sought to identify the perceived quality level of higher education institutions, such as private universities in Peru, and then make a comparison of the performance in terms of quality between the institutions that have a certified quality management system (SGC) in place and those that do not. For this reason a quantitative approach was used, utilizing an instrument based on nine factors of success that measure the level of performance in quality management (Benzaquen, 2014). A population of 89 private universities were identified at national level, from which a sample of 42 institutions was selected to participate in a survey to analyze the performance in terms of quality. The result of the sample indicated that, in the sector of private university in Peru, 40% of the organizations have a QMS implemented, moreover, showed that there were no statistically significant differences to infer that institutions in this sector with quality management systems get better performance than those who have not implemented it; in compliance with the nine factors of success of the quality.
Calidad total, Educación superior--Perú, Investigación cuantitativa
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