Modelo Prolab: Saludniyki, una propuesta sostenible para mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes diabéticos de la ciudad de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el país existe una deficiencia en la atención de salud, alta afluencia de pacientes frente
a falta de personal médico, mala distribución de atención, poca cultura de prevención, lo cual
incrementa las enfermedades crónicas en la población. La cobertura de salud pública es precaria,
sin una adecuada gestión de los recursos; por otro lado, el sector privado tiene un enfoque de
negocio, buscando la rentabilidad por encima de brindar una cobertura al alcance de la mayoría.
Una de las enfermedades crónicas que afectan más a la población peruana es la diabetes,
afecta la vida de quienes lo padecen y recrudece ante la carencia de controles adecuados de la
La propuesta es una solución que busca atender una de las enfermedades con mayor
demanda de atención a nivel nacional, la diabetes. Consiste en un aplicativo que ayudará a los
pacientes a realizar un seguimiento de los indicadores más importantes en el control de la
diabetes, como son los índices de glucosa, la ingesta de alimentos saludables y el hábito de
realizar actividad física. De esta manera, tanto pacientes como tratantes podrán tomar acción de
manera inmediata en caso exista un riesgo a la salud.
Con el objetivo de validar la factibilidad y aceptabilidad de la solución, se realizaron
entrevistas a médicos y pacientes diabéticos, así como simulaciones para validar la viabilidad
financiera del proyecto con VAN mayor a S/ 1 millón de soles. Con relación a la rentabilidad
social del proyecto, la propuesta se encuentra principalmente alineada con el objetivo de
Desarrollo Sostenible número 3, la cual es Salud y bienestar, siendo su meta impactar
positivamente la calidad de vida de las personas que sobrellevan enfermedades no transmisibles.
In our country there is a deficiency in health care, a high influx of patients due to a lack of medical personnel, poor distribution of care, little culture of prevention, which increases chronic diseases in the population. Public health coverage is precarious, without adequate management of resources; on the other hand, the private sector has a business focus, seeking profitability over providing coverage within the reach of the majority. One of the chronic diseases that most affects the Peruvian population is diabetes, it affects the lives of those who suffer from it and worsens due to the lack of adequate controls for the disease. The proposal is a solution that seeks to address one of the diseases with the greatest demand for attention nationwide, diabetes. It consists of an application that will help doctors and patients track the main indicators of diabetes in real time, such as glucose levels, consumption of healthy foods and physical activity. In this way, both patients and caregivers will be able to take immediate action if there is a health risk. To validate the feasibility and acceptability of the solution, interviews were conducted with doctors and diabetic patients, as well as simulations to assess the financial viability of the project, showing an NPV greater than S/ 1 million. Regarding the project's social profitability, the proposal aligns mostly with Sustainable Development Goal number 3, which is Health and Well-being, aiming to positively impact the quality of life of people managing noncommunicable diseases.
In our country there is a deficiency in health care, a high influx of patients due to a lack of medical personnel, poor distribution of care, little culture of prevention, which increases chronic diseases in the population. Public health coverage is precarious, without adequate management of resources; on the other hand, the private sector has a business focus, seeking profitability over providing coverage within the reach of the majority. One of the chronic diseases that most affects the Peruvian population is diabetes, it affects the lives of those who suffer from it and worsens due to the lack of adequate controls for the disease. The proposal is a solution that seeks to address one of the diseases with the greatest demand for attention nationwide, diabetes. It consists of an application that will help doctors and patients track the main indicators of diabetes in real time, such as glucose levels, consumption of healthy foods and physical activity. In this way, both patients and caregivers will be able to take immediate action if there is a health risk. To validate the feasibility and acceptability of the solution, interviews were conducted with doctors and diabetic patients, as well as simulations to assess the financial viability of the project, showing an NPV greater than S/ 1 million. Regarding the project's social profitability, the proposal aligns mostly with Sustainable Development Goal number 3, which is Health and Well-being, aiming to positively impact the quality of life of people managing noncommunicable diseases.
Diabetes--Servicios de salud, Servicios digitales
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