Estado de la gestión con enfoque de RSE en el sector agroindustrial del banano en la Región Piura
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene el propósito de conocer el Estado de la Gestión con
Enfoque de RSE en el Sector Agroindustrial en la Región Piura. El estudio tiene un enfoque
cuantitativo, con alcance descriptivo, y diseño no experimental transeccional para analizar
cada uno de los indicadores del cuestionario Ethos - Perú 2021. Se tomó como caso de
estudio a cinco empresas del sector agroindustrial a cuyos representantes se les hizo
preguntas relacionadas con la gestión que viene desarrollando su empresa. Se consideró en la
investigación a las empresas que facturan como mínimo 10 millones de nuevos soles al año,
son originarias de la ciudad Piura, cuentan con un mínimo de 10 trabajadores, las empresas
no pertenecen al mismo grupo económico, los altos directivos gestionan desde la ciudad de
Piura, y estas empresas tienen una antigüedad de inicio de operaciones mayor a cinco años
Se recogieron los datos siguiendo siete temáticas, según los indicadores Ethos - Perú
2021 de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial: (a) valores, transparencia y gobierno
corporativo, (b) público interno, (c) medio ambiente, (d) proveedores, (e) consumidores y
clientes, (f) comunidad, y (g) gobierno y sociedad. La información recogida mostró que las
empresas participantes en la investigación consideran que están en una etapa incipiente de la
gestión con Enfoque de RSE. En cada uno de los indicadores la mayoría se calificó entre la
primera y segunda etapa, que representa una etapa básica de acciones de la empresa, todavía
están en el nivel reactivo a las exigencias legales, pero ya empieza a encaminar cambios y
avances respecto a la conformidad de sus prácticas. Los resultados presentados en la presente
investigación no son generalizables a todo el sector agroindustrial de la región Piura, solo
muestran el estado de la gestión de RSE de las cinco empresas que participaron
The goal of this investigation is to know Corporate Social Responsibility management status at agro-industrial sector in Piura region. It is descriptive, using a quantitative approach was used in order to analyze the interviewees’ perspective in regards to each one of the Ethos - Peru 2021 questionnaire’s indicators. Five agro-industrial companies were taken as case study and their representatives were asked questions related to management developing. companies that billed at least 10 million soles a year, originate in the city Piura, have a minimum of 10 workers were considered in the research, companies do not belong to the same economic group, senior managers managed from the city of Piura, and these companies have greater seniority start operations five years. Data was collected following seven subjects according to Ethos - Peru 2021 indicators for Corporate Social Responsibility: (a) values, transparency and governance; (b) internal public; (c) environment; (d) suppliers; (e) consumers and clients; (f) community; (g) government and society. The information collected showed that companies involved in the study have different levels in the use of social responsibilities practices. They consider that they are at an incipient stage of CSR management approach. In each of the indicators most scored between the first and second stage, which represents a basic stage of company shares, are still reactive to legal requirements level, but is beginning to route changes and advances regarding the conformity of their practices. The results presented in this research are not generalizable to the entire agribusiness sector in the Piura region, only show the status of CSR management of the five companies that participated
The goal of this investigation is to know Corporate Social Responsibility management status at agro-industrial sector in Piura region. It is descriptive, using a quantitative approach was used in order to analyze the interviewees’ perspective in regards to each one of the Ethos - Peru 2021 questionnaire’s indicators. Five agro-industrial companies were taken as case study and their representatives were asked questions related to management developing. companies that billed at least 10 million soles a year, originate in the city Piura, have a minimum of 10 workers were considered in the research, companies do not belong to the same economic group, senior managers managed from the city of Piura, and these companies have greater seniority start operations five years. Data was collected following seven subjects according to Ethos - Peru 2021 indicators for Corporate Social Responsibility: (a) values, transparency and governance; (b) internal public; (c) environment; (d) suppliers; (e) consumers and clients; (f) community; (g) government and society. The information collected showed that companies involved in the study have different levels in the use of social responsibilities practices. They consider that they are at an incipient stage of CSR management approach. In each of the indicators most scored between the first and second stage, which represents a basic stage of company shares, are still reactive to legal requirements level, but is beginning to route changes and advances regarding the conformity of their practices. The results presented in this research are not generalizable to the entire agribusiness sector in the Piura region, only show the status of CSR management of the five companies that participated
Responsabilidad social de las empresas, Agroindustria -- Parú -- Piura, Investigación cuantitativa
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