Planeamiento estratégico de la unidad de negocios de bunkering de Corporación Primax S.A
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En un contexto de globalización y amplitud del comercio exterior, abastecer de
energía a las embarcaciones que realizan operaciones comerciales tales como carga y
descarga de mercancía en los puertos del Perú, y/o naves que requieren combustible para
dirigirse a sus diferentes destinos en puertos internacionales es una necesidad que cubre la
empresa Corporación Primax a través de la unidad de negocios Bunkers o Bunkering del
área Combustible Industria B2B.
Este negocio se conoce como Bunkering, el cual hace referencia a abastecer de
combustible a las embarcaciones mediante una barcaza. El propósito del presente trabajo
es presentar un plan estratégico para la unidad de negocios Bunkering en el plazo de cinco
años hasta 2026, sin tomar como referencia alguna información clasificada de la empresa o
el plan estratégico actual de la organización, con la finalidad de proponer alternativas para
generar valor a Corporación Primax S.A y mejorar su competitividad frente al mercado
considerando los efectos de la pandemia Covid 19; para ello se definen las estrategias que
permitirán dar un mejor posicionamiento a la unidad de negocios Bunkering, incrementar
sus fuentes de suministro, aumentar considerablemente sus ventas y su market share.
Finalmente, para garantizar el éxito del plan estratégico, se han considerado indicadores en
la Tabla de Control Balanceado (BSC), que permitirá auditar los avances de cada objetivo a
corto plazo, y ello permitirá obtener los objetivos de largo plazo y, por lo tanto, alcanzar la
visión planteada tanto para la Unidad de Negocios Bunkering como para Corporación
In a context of globalization and the expansion of foreign trade, supply fuel to vessels that carry out commercial operations such as loading and unloading of merchandise in the ports of Peru, and / or ships in general that require fuel to reach their different destinations in other international ports is a mayor need that Corporación Primax company provide through the Bunkering operation for the Fuel Industry B2B area. This business is known as Bunkering, which refers to supplying fuel to vessels by means of a barge or tanker at sea. The purpose of this paper is to present a strategic plan for the Bunkering business Unit within five years until 2026 without any guide in the current documentation of the company, in order to generate value for Corporación Primax SA and improve its competitiveness in the market considering the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic; to this end, strategies are defined that will allow the Bunkering business unit to be better positioned, increase its supply sources, and considerably increase its sales and market share. Finally, to guarantee the success of the strategic plan, indicators have been considered in the Balanced Control Table (BSC), which will allow auditing the progress of each objective in the short term, and this will allow obtaining the long-term objectives and, therefore, achieve the vision set for both the Bunkering Business Unit and the Primax Corporation.
In a context of globalization and the expansion of foreign trade, supply fuel to vessels that carry out commercial operations such as loading and unloading of merchandise in the ports of Peru, and / or ships in general that require fuel to reach their different destinations in other international ports is a mayor need that Corporación Primax company provide through the Bunkering operation for the Fuel Industry B2B area. This business is known as Bunkering, which refers to supplying fuel to vessels by means of a barge or tanker at sea. The purpose of this paper is to present a strategic plan for the Bunkering business Unit within five years until 2026 without any guide in the current documentation of the company, in order to generate value for Corporación Primax SA and improve its competitiveness in the market considering the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic; to this end, strategies are defined that will allow the Bunkering business unit to be better positioned, increase its supply sources, and considerably increase its sales and market share. Finally, to guarantee the success of the strategic plan, indicators have been considered in the Balanced Control Table (BSC), which will allow auditing the progress of each objective in the short term, and this will allow obtaining the long-term objectives and, therefore, achieve the vision set for both the Bunkering Business Unit and the Primax Corporation.
Planificación estratégica, Combustibles--Perú