Planeamiento estratégico para agrícola Juanita S.A.
Leyva Paz, Yovanna Iraida
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La empresa agrícola Juanita S.A. ofrece uva de mesa de excelente calidad, de la cual
destina un 90% para la venta en el mercado internacional. La empresa atiende, hoy en día, a
un total de 19 países a nivel mundial para lo cual ha adaptado su producto a las exigencias
fitosanitarias de cada uno de sus clientes pero entiende la necesidad de innovar y tecnificarse
para poder lograr el éxito esperado.
En el presente plan estratégico se realizó un estudio del sector, evaluando los entornos
interno y externo con la finalidad de definir las fortalezas y oportunidades, tales como la
reactivación del sector, el acceso al crédito, las tendencias de consumo, amplia red de
contactos e infraestructura adecuada; así mismo, las debilidades y amenazas, dentro de las que
se consideran la mano de obra poco calificada, falta de innovación, fenómenos naturales y
alto grado de perecibilidad del producto. La visión holística de este entorno permitió plantear
cuatro objetivos a largo plazo: (a) al 2025, aumentar la participación en el mercado nacional
de exportadores de uva de 2.4% a 10%, (b) aumentar el ROE de 4.26 a 15%, (c) incrementar
el rendimiento productivo de 20.6 a 25 toneladas por hectárea y (d) aumentar el índice de
satisfacción del cliente de 65% a 90%; en base a los cuales hemos retenido cinco estrategias
intensivas: (a) Desarrollo de la capacidad productiva exportable, (b) diversificación con
productos orgánicos de mayor valor agregado, (c) invertir en I+D, (d) Implementación
tecnológica constante y (e) crear alianzas con importadoras líderes del sector
Finalmente diremos que Agrícola Juanita posee ventajas competitivas, referidas a
conocimientos, infraestructura, adaptabilidad al cambio y calidad, que le permiten mantenerse
rentable y socialmente sostenible en un mercado tan cambiante; por otro lado, se recomienda
incrementarlas mediante la innovación así como la participación en clústeres que permitan
potenciar sus estrategias generando así una cultura de cooperación y aprendizaje que den
mayor valor agregado a su producto.
The company Agrícola Juanita S.A. offers table grapes of excellent quality, of which 90% is destined for sale in the international market. Today, the company serves a total of 19 countries worldwide, for which it has adapted its product to the phytosanitary requirements of each of its clients, but understands the need to innovate and become more technical in order to achieve the expected success. In this strategic plan, a study of the sector was carried out, evaluating the internal and external environments in order to define the strengths and opportunities, such as the reactivation of the sector, access to credit, consumer trends, a wide network of contacts and adequate infrastructure; likewise, weaknesses and threats, among which low-skilled labor, lack of innovation, natural phenomena and a high degree of perishability of the product are considered. The holistic vision of this environment allowed to set four long-term objectives: (a) by 2025, increase the participation in the national market of grape exporters from 2.4% to 10%, (b) increase the ROE from 4.26 to 15%, (c) increase the productive yield from 20.6 to 25 tons per hectare and (d) increase the customer satisfaction index from 65% to 90%; based on which we have retained five intensive strategies: (a) Development of exportable productive capacity, (b) diversification with organic products with higher added value, (c) investing in R&D, (d) constant technological implementation and ( e) create alliances with leading importers in the sector Finally, we will say that Agrícola Juanita has competitive advantages, referring to knowledge, infrastructure, adaptability to change and quality, which allow it to remain profitable and socially sustainable in such a changing market; On the other hand, it is recommended to increase them through innovation as well as participation in clusters that allow them to enhance their strategies, thus generating a culture of cooperation and learning that give greater added value to their product.
The company Agrícola Juanita S.A. offers table grapes of excellent quality, of which 90% is destined for sale in the international market. Today, the company serves a total of 19 countries worldwide, for which it has adapted its product to the phytosanitary requirements of each of its clients, but understands the need to innovate and become more technical in order to achieve the expected success. In this strategic plan, a study of the sector was carried out, evaluating the internal and external environments in order to define the strengths and opportunities, such as the reactivation of the sector, access to credit, consumer trends, a wide network of contacts and adequate infrastructure; likewise, weaknesses and threats, among which low-skilled labor, lack of innovation, natural phenomena and a high degree of perishability of the product are considered. The holistic vision of this environment allowed to set four long-term objectives: (a) by 2025, increase the participation in the national market of grape exporters from 2.4% to 10%, (b) increase the ROE from 4.26 to 15%, (c) increase the productive yield from 20.6 to 25 tons per hectare and (d) increase the customer satisfaction index from 65% to 90%; based on which we have retained five intensive strategies: (a) Development of exportable productive capacity, (b) diversification with organic products with higher added value, (c) investing in R&D, (d) constant technological implementation and ( e) create alliances with leading importers in the sector Finally, we will say that Agrícola Juanita has competitive advantages, referring to knowledge, infrastructure, adaptability to change and quality, which allow it to remain profitable and socially sustainable in such a changing market; On the other hand, it is recommended to increase them through innovation as well as participation in clusters that allow them to enhance their strategies, thus generating a culture of cooperation and learning that give greater added value to their product.
Empresas--Perú, Planificación estratégica, Sector agrícola--Perú
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