Las mujeres microempresarias de Lima Metropolitana: buenas y malas pagadoras
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo es una investigación cualitativa que busca explorar características
de las mujeres microempresarias de Lima Metropolitana con buen y mal comportamiento de
pago en los créditos obtenidos para sus negocios, con la finalidad de encontrar algunos
aspectos que puedan ser utilizados como diferenciadores entre ambos grupos; para dicho fin,
se explora los aspectos vinculados a sus expectativas de vida, al manejo de sus negocios y
relacionados al financiamiento que acceden para sus negocios. El estudio utiliza la estrategia
cualitativa basada en grupos focales, para lo cual se realizó dos sesiones con mujeres buenas
pagadoras y otras dos sesiones con mujeres malas pagadoras.
Los resultados muestran que existen similitudes entre las mujeres microempresarias
con buen y mal comportamiento de pago; ambos grupos tienen como prioridad el bienestar y
el desarrollo de sus hijos, un desencadenante que las convirtió en microempresarias fue la
carencia económica y problemas sufridos, la experiencia es importante para el desarrollo de
su negocio y no consideran necesario la capacitación en sus negocios.
Las principales diferencias halladas entre ambos grupos están relacionadas con; el
grado de independencia y rol dentro de la familia (con respecto a su pareja), actitud frente a la
vida, objetivos relacionados al negocio, organización en el negocio y dedicación al negocio.
This paper presents a qualitative research that seeks to explore the characteristics of women micro-entrepreneurs in the Lima Metropolitan Area with good and bad payment behavior of credits obtained for their businesses. This aims to find aspects that can be used as distinguishing factors between the two groups; for this purpose, the aspects linked to their life expectations, their business management and the financing they access for their businesses are explored. The study uses a qualitative strategy based on focus groups. For this, two sessions were held with women who are good payers and other two sessions with women who are bad payers. The results show that there are similarities between women micro-entrepreneurs with good and bad payment behavior; both groups have the well-being and development of their children as a priority, the lack of money and their many problems turned them into microentrepreneurs. Also, they think experience is important for their business development and they don’t consider training as something necessary for their businesses. The main differences found between the two groups are related with: the degree of independence and role within the family (with respect to the partner), attitude towards life, business-related objectives, business organization and dedication to the business.
This paper presents a qualitative research that seeks to explore the characteristics of women micro-entrepreneurs in the Lima Metropolitan Area with good and bad payment behavior of credits obtained for their businesses. This aims to find aspects that can be used as distinguishing factors between the two groups; for this purpose, the aspects linked to their life expectations, their business management and the financing they access for their businesses are explored. The study uses a qualitative strategy based on focus groups. For this, two sessions were held with women who are good payers and other two sessions with women who are bad payers. The results show that there are similarities between women micro-entrepreneurs with good and bad payment behavior; both groups have the well-being and development of their children as a priority, the lack of money and their many problems turned them into microentrepreneurs. Also, they think experience is important for their business development and they don’t consider training as something necessary for their businesses. The main differences found between the two groups are related with: the degree of independence and role within the family (with respect to the partner), attitude towards life, business-related objectives, business organization and dedication to the business.
Mujeres en los negocios--Perú--Lima, Mujeres--Trabajo--Perú--Lima, Pequeñas empresas--Financiación, Crédito--Perú, Investigación cualitativa
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