Análisis del impacto del diseño en la implementación de la política pública de asignación de Cuotas de Hidrocarburos en la lucha contra la minería ilegal en Madre de Dios
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación está dirigida a analizar el impacto del diseño en la
implementación de la política pública de asignación de Cuotas de Hidrocarburos,
en la lucha contra la minería ilegal, en el departamento de Madre de Dios en los
años 2014 a 2019. Para ello, se aborda primero el proceso de diseño de tal
política, a fin de describirlo y analizarlo; luego, se estudia el curso de acción del
proceso de implementación y se determinan los elementos que caracterizaron el
mismo; finalmente, se discute la causalidad existente entre la estructura del
diseño de la política y el consecuente proceso de implementación. Considerando
lo dicho, y luego de realizar análisis cualitativos y cuantitativos, se afirma que la
falta de evidencia robusta, la incomprensión del problema a abordar, la
inadecuada contextualización y la ausencia de objetivos claros, posibles y
medibles en el diseño de la asignación de Cuotas de Hidrocarburos en el
departamento de Madre de Dios; generan una política pública frágil, que tiene un
proceso de implementación con importantes externalidades negativas, una alta
carga burocrática y ausencia de logros esperados.
The current investigation is geared towards the analysis of the impact of design in the implementation of the public policy of the Hydrocarbon Quotas, to fight illegal mining, in the region of Madre de Dios from 2014 to 2019. To do so, the design process of such policy is first addressed, in order to describe and analyze it; then, the course of action of the implementation process is studied and the elements that characterized it are determined; finally, the existing causality between the policy design structure and the consequential implementation process is discussed. In consideration of what has been said, and after conducting qualitative and quantitative analysis, it is claimed that the lack of robust evidence, the incomprehension of the addressed issue, the inadequate contextualization and the absence of clear, possible and measurable purpose in the design of Hydrocarbon Quotas allocation in the region of Madre de Dios generate a fragile public policy, which has an implementation process with important negative externalities, a huge bureaucratic burden and the absence of expected achievements.
The current investigation is geared towards the analysis of the impact of design in the implementation of the public policy of the Hydrocarbon Quotas, to fight illegal mining, in the region of Madre de Dios from 2014 to 2019. To do so, the design process of such policy is first addressed, in order to describe and analyze it; then, the course of action of the implementation process is studied and the elements that characterized it are determined; finally, the existing causality between the policy design structure and the consequential implementation process is discussed. In consideration of what has been said, and after conducting qualitative and quantitative analysis, it is claimed that the lack of robust evidence, the incomprehension of the addressed issue, the inadequate contextualization and the absence of clear, possible and measurable purpose in the design of Hydrocarbon Quotas allocation in the region of Madre de Dios generate a fragile public policy, which has an implementation process with important negative externalities, a huge bureaucratic burden and the absence of expected achievements.
Hidrocarburos--Política gubernamental--Perú--Madre de Dios, Industria minera--Prácticas corruptas--Perú--Madre de Dios, Planificación política--Perú--Madre de Dios
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