Disciplina positiva para la convivencia escolar en el aula del nivel inicial
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La disciplina positiva es un modelo educativo para orientar a padres de familia,
cuidadores y educadores, en la crianza de los niños, teniendo como premisa
principal el equilibrio entre la firmeza, para inculcar acuerdos sociales y, el respeto
para considerar sus derechos. De esta manera, la escuela busca que los
estudiantes, desde los primeros años, desarrollen habilidades para la vida en
sociedad, que se verá reflejado en las interacciones entre los integrantes de la
comunidad escolar, es decir, en la convivencia escolar. En ese sentido, la presente
tesina tiene dos variables de investigación: la disciplina positiva y la convivencia
escolar, las cuales serán abordadas en el entorno del nivel de educación inicial. Es
así que, con el fin de resolver el problema de investigación: ¿Cómo la disciplina
positiva influye en la convivencia en el aula del nivel inicial? Esta investigación tiene
el objetivo de explicar cómo la disciplina positiva influye en la convivencia en el aula
del nivel inicial. Para alcanzar dicho objetivo, se emplea una metodología de
carácter documental, de corte bibliográfico, para revisar información confiable que
servirá como insumo para la aproximación a este tema. Al final del estudio, se
concluye que la disciplina positiva influye en la convivencia en el aula debido a que
los estudiantes desde temprana edad puedan desarrollar conocimientos,
habilidades y actitudes que le permitan reflexionar acerca de su comportamiento y
orientarlo en relación a los acuerdos sociales para una sana convivencia escolar y
que trascienda en la sociedad.
Positive discipline is an educational model to guide parents, caregivers and educators in raising children, having as its main premise the balance between firmness, to instill social agreements, and respect to consider their rights. In this way, the school seeks for students, from the earliest years, to develop skills for life in society, which will be reflected in the interactions between members of the school community, that is, in school coexistence. In this sense, this thesis has two research variables: positive discipline and school coexistence, which will be addressed in the environment of the initial education level. Thus, in order to solve the research problem: How does positive discipline influence coexistence in the initial level classroom? This research aims to explain how positive discipline influences coexistence in the classroom at the initial level. To achieve this objective, a documentary, bibliographical methodology is used to review reliable information that will serve as input for approaching this topic. At the end of the study, it is concluded that positive discipline influences coexistence in the classroom because students from an early age can develop knowledge, skills and attitudes that will allow them to reflect on their behavior and guide them in relation to social agreements to a healthy school coexistence that transcends society.
Positive discipline is an educational model to guide parents, caregivers and educators in raising children, having as its main premise the balance between firmness, to instill social agreements, and respect to consider their rights. In this way, the school seeks for students, from the earliest years, to develop skills for life in society, which will be reflected in the interactions between members of the school community, that is, in school coexistence. In this sense, this thesis has two research variables: positive discipline and school coexistence, which will be addressed in the environment of the initial education level. Thus, in order to solve the research problem: How does positive discipline influence coexistence in the initial level classroom? This research aims to explain how positive discipline influences coexistence in the classroom at the initial level. To achieve this objective, a documentary, bibliographical methodology is used to review reliable information that will serve as input for approaching this topic. At the end of the study, it is concluded that positive discipline influences coexistence in the classroom because students from an early age can develop knowledge, skills and attitudes that will allow them to reflect on their behavior and guide them in relation to social agreements to a healthy school coexistence that transcends society.
Disciplina infantil, Ambiente escolar, Educación preescolar, Habilidades sociales
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