El rol de los cuidadores en las prácticas lectoras emergentes en la cotidianidad de niños de 3 años de una Institución Educativa Pública de Magdalena del Mar
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal analizar el rol
de los cuidadores en las prácticas lectoras emergentes que ocurren en la
cotidianidad de los niños de 3 años de una institución educativa pública de
Magdalena del Mar. El interés central que motivó a desarrollar esta investigación
surge a partir de la preocupación por el desconocimiento de los cuidadores sobre
la importancia de su rol en el fomento de la lectura en el hogar, a partir de las
prácticas lectoras emergentes que se generan en la cotidianidad; más aún,
considerando la coyuntura de la educación remota, en la que los padres son
quienes asumen un papel protagónico en la educación de los niños y niñas. Este
estudio presenta un enfoque cualitativo de nivel descriptivo y se redacta a partir
de la revisión de fuentes, tales como artículos de revistas académicas indexadas,
tesis de repositorios, como libros electrónicos y capítulos de libros. Los sujetos
informantes son seis cuidadores de niños de 3 años de una institución educativa
pública. La técnica que se utiliza para el recojo y procesamiento de la información
es la entrevista semiestructurada. Finalmente, los resultados demuestran las
concepciones que tienen los cuidadores sobre la lectura en los primeros años,
su perspectiva sobre la lectura no convencional, el tipo de práctica lectora que
prima en las familias y el adulto que acompaña recurrentemente al niño durante
las prácticas lectoras en el hogar.
The main objective of this research is to analyze the role of main caregivers in the emerging reading practices that occur in the daily life of 3-year-old children in a public educational institution in Magdalena del Mar. The central interest that motivated the development of this research arises from the concern about the lack of knowledge of caregivers about the importance of their role in the reading promotion at home, based on the emerging reading practices that are generated in everyday life; even more so, considering the situation of remote education, in which parents are the ones who assume a leading role in the education of children. This study presents a qualitative approach of descriptive level and is written from the review of sources, such as articles from indexed academic journals, theses from repositories, as e-books and book chapters. The informant subjects are six main caregivers of 3-year-old children from a public educational institution. The technique used for the collection and processing of information is the semi-structured interview. Finally, the results show the main caregivers' conceptions about reading in the early years, their perspective on nonconventional reading, the type of reading practice that prevails in the families and the adult who recurrently accompanies the child during reading practices at home.
The main objective of this research is to analyze the role of main caregivers in the emerging reading practices that occur in the daily life of 3-year-old children in a public educational institution in Magdalena del Mar. The central interest that motivated the development of this research arises from the concern about the lack of knowledge of caregivers about the importance of their role in the reading promotion at home, based on the emerging reading practices that are generated in everyday life; even more so, considering the situation of remote education, in which parents are the ones who assume a leading role in the education of children. This study presents a qualitative approach of descriptive level and is written from the review of sources, such as articles from indexed academic journals, theses from repositories, as e-books and book chapters. The informant subjects are six main caregivers of 3-year-old children from a public educational institution. The technique used for the collection and processing of information is the semi-structured interview. Finally, the results show the main caregivers' conceptions about reading in the early years, their perspective on nonconventional reading, the type of reading practice that prevails in the families and the adult who recurrently accompanies the child during reading practices at home.
Lectura (Primera infancia)--Perú--Magdalena del Mar (Lima : Distrito), Educación en la primera infancia--Participación de los padres--Perú--Magdalena del Mar (Lima : Distrito), Escuelas públicas--Perú--Magdalena del Mar (Lima : Distrito)
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