Factores que explican la reducción de los niveles de anemia infantil. El caso de la implementación de la herramienta de gestión local Tecnología de Decisiones Informadas (TDI) en los distritos de Iguaín y Los Morochucos de la Región Ayacucho (2015-2018)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Ante el impacto de la anemia en el desarrollo neurológico del niño, cuya
prevalencia en el Perú alcanza el 43.5%, el presente estudio reviste importancia al
intentar explicar por qué la anemia infantil no disminuye en el país en general y por
qué en algunos distritos pobres sí se han logrado reducciones considerables, como
en Iguaín y Los Morochucos de la Región Ayacucho en el periodo 2015-2018, a
partir de la implementación de la Tecnología de Decisiones Informadas (TDI). La
investigación sostiene que el gobierno central se ha desentendido del problema, a
pesar de que a nivel de la política pública y de los expertos en este tema existe una
ruta muy clara y definida de lo que hay que hacer, dado que el Instituto Nacional de
Salud ha creado una única herramienta que está pauteada, protocolizada y
sistematizada en la Tecnología de Decisiones Informadas. Se evidencia que la
anemia tampoco es de prioridad política para el Ministerio de Salud, los gobiernos
regionales, las autoridades locales ni para las propias familias víctimas de esta
enfermedad. Sin embargo, resulta llamativo que algunos alcaldes sí la hayan
priorizado, implementando la TDI en sus distritos, logrando reducciones
significativas. Y al analizar los factores explicativos, se concluye que son tres los
factores relevantes en la reducción de la anemia infantil en los distritos estudiados:
La voluntad de la autoridad local, la gestión articulada y el rol del personal de salud.
Se demuestra que no se necesitan recursos enormes para generar un cambio y
afrontar este mal, siendo incoherente y frustrante que la solución se encuentre
disponible y no se use.
The importance of this study, given the impact of anemia on children’s neurological development whose prevalence in Peru reaches 43.5%, relies upon explaining the reason childhood anemia does not exhibit a general decrease in the country, while in some poorer districts it has decreased considerably, such as Iguaín and Los Morochucos inside the Ayacucho region between 2015-2018, according to the implementation of the “Tecnología de Decisiones Informadas (TDI)”. The research reveals a lack of understanding of the problem by the central government, despite the fact inside public policy and experts on this issue exist a clear and defined route of what to do, given the National Institute of Health has created a unique standardized, protocolized and systematized tool inside TDI. The evidence also suggests that anemia is neither a political priority for the Ministry of Health, regional governments, local authorities and for the victims of the disease. However, it is striking that some mayors have prioritized it, achieving significant reductions by implementing TDI in their districts. And when analyzing the explanatory factors, it is concluded that there are three relevant factors in reducing childhood anemia in the studied districts: The will of the local authority, articulated management and the role of health personnel. It is shown that enormous resources are not needed to generate a change and face this situation, being incoherent and frustrating that the solution is available and not used.
The importance of this study, given the impact of anemia on children’s neurological development whose prevalence in Peru reaches 43.5%, relies upon explaining the reason childhood anemia does not exhibit a general decrease in the country, while in some poorer districts it has decreased considerably, such as Iguaín and Los Morochucos inside the Ayacucho region between 2015-2018, according to the implementation of the “Tecnología de Decisiones Informadas (TDI)”. The research reveals a lack of understanding of the problem by the central government, despite the fact inside public policy and experts on this issue exist a clear and defined route of what to do, given the National Institute of Health has created a unique standardized, protocolized and systematized tool inside TDI. The evidence also suggests that anemia is neither a political priority for the Ministry of Health, regional governments, local authorities and for the victims of the disease. However, it is striking that some mayors have prioritized it, achieving significant reductions by implementing TDI in their districts. And when analyzing the explanatory factors, it is concluded that there are three relevant factors in reducing childhood anemia in the studied districts: The will of the local authority, articulated management and the role of health personnel. It is shown that enormous resources are not needed to generate a change and face this situation, being incoherent and frustrating that the solution is available and not used.
Anemia--Perú--Iguaín (Ayacucho : Distrito), Anemia--Perú--Morochucos (Ayacucho : Distrito), Servicios de salud infantil--Perú--Iguaín (Ayacucho : Distrito), Servicios de salud infantil--Perú--Morochucos (Ayacucho : Distrito), Toma de decisiones--Perú--Iguaín (Ayacucho : Distrito), Toma de decisiones--Perú--Morochucos (Ayacucho : Distrito)
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