Informe del Expediente N° 1179-2005. Proceso contencioso administrativo iniciado por LUZ DEL SUR S.A.A contra ELECTROPERÚ S.A. y OSINERGMIN por el pago de los excesos de consumo de energía
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe jurídico versa sobre el análisis del Expediente N° 1179-2005, una
controversia respecto al pago por los excesos de consumo de energía de Luz del Sur S.A.A
(LDS) a Electroperú S.A. (ELP), en el marco de un proceso contencioso administrativo. El
objetivo del presente estudio consiste en determinar qué parte debe asumir los costos por los
retiros en exceso de la energía contratada. Para ello, analizamos el rol del Estado en la tutela
de los servicios públicos y si estamos ante un escenario de precios libres o precios regulados,
a efectos de evaluar si resulta viable realizar una interpretación sistemática del contrato con la
LCE y su Reglamento. Asimismo, identificamos el alcance de los decretos de urgencia, figuras
jurídicas como la contraprestación y penalidad, así como la supuesta vulneración a los
principios de legalidad y debida motivación en los extremos de las resoluciones impugnadas
de OSINERGMIN. Finalmente, concluimos que LDS debe pagarle a ELP los excesos de
consumo de energía considerando los costos marginales, siempre y cuando éstos no sobrepasen
la tarifa en barra al estar destinados dichos consumos a usuarios regulados. Por esta razón, es
necesario modificar la LCE y su Reglamento, a fin de trasladar los costos por los retiros en
exceso del consumo de energía a los usuarios finales para garantizar al funcionamiento del
mercado eléctrico y la inversión privada.
This legal report deals with the analysis of Case No. 1179-2005, a controversy regarding the payment for excess energy consumption of Luz del Sur S.A.A. (LDS) to Electroperú S.A. (ELP), in the framework of an administrative litigation proceeding. The objective of this study is to determine which party should bear the costs for withdrawals in excess of the contracted energy. For this purpose, we analyze the role of the state in the protection of public utilities and whether we are facing a scenario of free prices or regulated prices, in order to assess whether it is feasible to perform a systematic interpretation of the contract with the LCE and its Regulations. Likewise, we identified the scope of the emergency decrees, legal figures such as the consideration and penalty, as well as the alleged violation of the principles of legality and due motivation in the challenged resolutions of OSINERGMIN. Finally, we conclude that LDS must pay ELP for the excess energy consumption considering the marginal costs, as long as these do not exceed the busbar tariff since said consumption is destined to regulated users. For this reason, it is necessary to modify the LCE and its Regulations, in order to transfer the costs for withdrawals in excess of energy consumption to end users to guarantee the functioning of the electricity market and private investment.
This legal report deals with the analysis of Case No. 1179-2005, a controversy regarding the payment for excess energy consumption of Luz del Sur S.A.A. (LDS) to Electroperú S.A. (ELP), in the framework of an administrative litigation proceeding. The objective of this study is to determine which party should bear the costs for withdrawals in excess of the contracted energy. For this purpose, we analyze the role of the state in the protection of public utilities and whether we are facing a scenario of free prices or regulated prices, in order to assess whether it is feasible to perform a systematic interpretation of the contract with the LCE and its Regulations. Likewise, we identified the scope of the emergency decrees, legal figures such as the consideration and penalty, as well as the alleged violation of the principles of legality and due motivation in the challenged resolutions of OSINERGMIN. Finally, we conclude that LDS must pay ELP for the excess energy consumption considering the marginal costs, as long as these do not exceed the busbar tariff since said consumption is destined to regulated users. For this reason, it is necessary to modify the LCE and its Regulations, in order to transfer the costs for withdrawals in excess of energy consumption to end users to guarantee the functioning of the electricity market and private investment.
Servicios públicos, Recurso contencioso administrativo--Perú, Empresas eléctricas--Tarifas--Perú
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