Planeamiento estratégico de la provincia de Utcubamba
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El propósito de este trabajo es la elaboración de un Plan Estratégico para la provincia
de Utcubamba desde el año 2018 hasta el año 2028, para convertirla en una provincia en la
cual sus ciudadanos gocen de una elevada calidad de vida, altos niveles de educación,
seguridad, acceso a las tecnologías de la información, infraestructura pública y bajos niveles
de corrupción, en un marco de preservación del medio ambiente y respeto a las comunidades.
Para el logro de este plan se ha utilizado el Modelo Secuencial del Proceso Estratégico
propuesto por D’Alessio (2015).
Utcubamba se encuentra en la región Amazonas, cerca de las fronteras de los países
de Colombia, Ecuador y Brasil; por lo que es un punto de interconexión estratégico. Sus
principales actividades económicas son la agricultura, ganadería y el ecoturismo. Del análisis
externo se identificó que sus oportunidades se encuentran relacionadas con la estabilidad
económica y política peruana, así como con la existencia de tratados de libre comercio. Sus
amenazas son la inseguridad ciudadana del país, los niveles de corrupción y el cambio
climático. Del análisis interno se identificó que sus fortalezas son su estratégica ubicación
geográfica, su integración a la red vial nacional y su capacidad de producción de arroz y café
de calidad. También sus atractivos arqueológicos y exuberante naturaleza que la hacen
atractiva para el ecoturismo. Como debilidades destacan la baja inversión en infraestructura,
la ausencia de direccionamiento estratégico, la informalidad laboral y la carencia de mano de
obra calificada. También se seleccionaron objetivos de largo plazo y estrategias que permiten
la implementación secuencial de matrices que filtran aquellas que por sus características y
condiciones potenciales deben priorizarse para alcanzar el desarrollo de la provincia en favor
de la mejora de vida de su gente. Finalmente, mediante el análisis de un Tablero de Control
Balanceado se sustenta la viabilidad financiera, ambiental y social de las acciones propuestas,
las mismas que permitirían obtener ventajas competitivas frente a otros actores
The purpose of this research is to prepare a Strategic Plan for the province of Utcubamba for 2028 to developed a province in which its citizens enjoy high living standards, including quality education, security, secured income, access to information technologies, public infrastructure and low levels of corruption in a framework of environmental conservation and respect to communities. In our preparing this Plan we have used the Strategic Management Process of D’Alessio (2015). Utcubamba is in the Amazonas´s region, near the border of the countries of Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil, so it´s a strategic position. Its main economic activities are forestry, farming, and ecotourism. As a result of an external analysis, we identified that the opportunities for the province are the Peruvian’s economic and political stability and the existence of free trade agreements with others countries. Its major threats are citizen lack of security in the entire country, high levels of corruption, high levels of informality and the climate change. From an internal analysis, its major strengths are its strategic geographical location, link to the wide highway network and its capacity to produce quality rice and coffee. Also its archaeological attractions and its exuberant nature make it attractive for ecotourism. Its major weaknesses include low investment in infrastructure, lack of strategic direction, informality labor and the lack of qualified manpower.Also we selected a long-term objectives and strategies that allowed the implementation of matrices that filtering of objectives and strategies that by their current characteristics and potential conditions will should be prioritized to reach the development of the province in favor of improving the lives of its people. Finally, the financial, environmental and social viability of the proposed actions is supported by the analysis of a Balanced Scorecard, the same ones that would allow obtaining competitive advantages against other competitor
The purpose of this research is to prepare a Strategic Plan for the province of Utcubamba for 2028 to developed a province in which its citizens enjoy high living standards, including quality education, security, secured income, access to information technologies, public infrastructure and low levels of corruption in a framework of environmental conservation and respect to communities. In our preparing this Plan we have used the Strategic Management Process of D’Alessio (2015). Utcubamba is in the Amazonas´s region, near the border of the countries of Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil, so it´s a strategic position. Its main economic activities are forestry, farming, and ecotourism. As a result of an external analysis, we identified that the opportunities for the province are the Peruvian’s economic and political stability and the existence of free trade agreements with others countries. Its major threats are citizen lack of security in the entire country, high levels of corruption, high levels of informality and the climate change. From an internal analysis, its major strengths are its strategic geographical location, link to the wide highway network and its capacity to produce quality rice and coffee. Also its archaeological attractions and its exuberant nature make it attractive for ecotourism. Its major weaknesses include low investment in infrastructure, lack of strategic direction, informality labor and the lack of qualified manpower.Also we selected a long-term objectives and strategies that allowed the implementation of matrices that filtering of objectives and strategies that by their current characteristics and potential conditions will should be prioritized to reach the development of the province in favor of improving the lives of its people. Finally, the financial, environmental and social viability of the proposed actions is supported by the analysis of a Balanced Scorecard, the same ones that would allow obtaining competitive advantages against other competitor
Planificación regional--Perú--Utcubamba (Amazonas : Provincia), Desarrollo regional--Perú--Utcubamba (Amazonas : Provincia), Planificación estratégica
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