Relación entre mindfulness y afrontamiento en un grupo de estudiantes de una universidad privada de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la relación entre las estrategias
de afrontamiento y mindfulness en 158 estudiantes de psicología de una universidad
privada de Lima. Para este estudio se contó con la participación de 75.3% mujeres y
24.7% varones, con edades entre 20 a 29 (X= 22.76, DE=2.1) y por mención 39.2%
clínica, 34.2% social y 26.6% educacional. Se utilizaron para la medición el Five Face
of Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) (Baer, Smith, Hopkins, Krietemeyer y Toney;
2006) en su versión validada en el Perú (Loret de Mola, 2009) y el Inventario de
Estimación al Afrontamiento (COPE) adaptada en Perú (Cassaretto & Chau, 2016). Se
encontraron diversas relaciones entre las dos variables, entre las que resaltan que el
mindfulness correlacionó de manera significativa, directa y tamaño mediano con las
estrategias de afrontamiento activo (r= .32, p<.001), planificación (r= .35, p<.001) y
reinterpretación positiva (r= .42, p<.001) y, de forma inversa, con las estrategias de
desentendimiento conductual (r= -.48, p<.001), negación (r= -.43, p<.001) y enfocar y
liberar emociones (r= -.33, p<.001). Asimismo, se presentaron diferencias por variables
sociodemográficas, como sexo, pareja y lugar de nacimiento; variables académicas, de
acuerdo a la mención que se encuentra cursando el estudiante y; de salud, dependiendo
de la presencia o no de sintomatología, práctica de meditación y ejercicio físico en esta
población. Se discuten las posibles explicaciones de estos hallazgos, se reportan las
limitaciones del presente estudio y se proponen líneas de investigación a futuro.
The present study aims to analyze the relationship between coping strategies and mindfulness in 158 psychology students of a private university in Lima. For this study, the participation of 75.3% women and 24.7% men, with ages between 20 to 29 (X= 22.76, DE=2.1) and by mention 39.2% clinical, 34.2% social and 26.6% educational. The Five Face of Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) (Baer, Smith, Hopkins, Krietemeyer y Toney; 2006) in its version validated in Peru (Loret de Mola, 2009) and the Coping Estimation Inventory (COPE) adapted in Peru (Cassaretto & Chau, 2016) were used for the measurement. Several relationships were found between the two variables, among which they emphasize that mindfulness correlated significantly and directly with active coping strategies (r = .32, p <.001), planning (r = .35, p <. 001) and positive reinterpretation (r = .42, p <.001) and, inversely, with behavioral disengagement strategies (r = -.48, p <.001), negation (r = -.43, p <.001) and focus and release emotions (r = -.33, p <.001). Likewise, there were differences by sociodemographic variables, such as sex, couple and place of birth; academic variables, according to the mention that the student is studying and; of health, depending on the presence or not of symptoms, practice of meditation and physical exercise in this population. The possible explanations of these findings are discussed, the limitations of this study are reported and future research lines are proposed.
The present study aims to analyze the relationship between coping strategies and mindfulness in 158 psychology students of a private university in Lima. For this study, the participation of 75.3% women and 24.7% men, with ages between 20 to 29 (X= 22.76, DE=2.1) and by mention 39.2% clinical, 34.2% social and 26.6% educational. The Five Face of Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) (Baer, Smith, Hopkins, Krietemeyer y Toney; 2006) in its version validated in Peru (Loret de Mola, 2009) and the Coping Estimation Inventory (COPE) adapted in Peru (Cassaretto & Chau, 2016) were used for the measurement. Several relationships were found between the two variables, among which they emphasize that mindfulness correlated significantly and directly with active coping strategies (r = .32, p <.001), planning (r = .35, p <. 001) and positive reinterpretation (r = .42, p <.001) and, inversely, with behavioral disengagement strategies (r = -.48, p <.001), negation (r = -.43, p <.001) and focus and release emotions (r = -.33, p <.001). Likewise, there were differences by sociodemographic variables, such as sex, couple and place of birth; academic variables, according to the mention that the student is studying and; of health, depending on the presence or not of symptoms, practice of meditation and physical exercise in this population. The possible explanations of these findings are discussed, the limitations of this study are reported and future research lines are proposed.
Atención, Adaptación (Psicología), Estudiantes universitarios--Investigaciones
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