Prácticas letradas en el hogar y la adquisición de la escritura emergente en niños de 5 años de una IE pública de Magdalena del Mar en el contexto de la educación no presencial
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la presente investigación se estudia el proceso de adquisición de la escritura
emergente de los niños desde los enfoques sociocultural y psicogenético. En tal
sentido, se reconoce que los niños elaboran conceptualizaciones sobre los principios
convencionales del sistema de escritura a partir de la inmersión en experiencias
letradas. Al respecto, se identifica a la familia como el primer escenario de prácticas
letradas, y en un contexto de educación remota a consecuencia del COVID-19, el
único. En esa línea, se establece como objetivo general analizar las prácticas letradas
que se realizan en el hogar de niños de 5 años para la adquisición de la escritura
emergente, el cual requiere del logro de dos objetivos específicos: (1) Describir las
prácticas letradas en el hogar de estos niños, a partir de la percepción de los padres
de familia y (2) Describir su proceso de escritura emergente. Ello se realiza bajo un
enfoque cualitativo de nivel descriptivo. En cuanto al primer objetivo específico, se han
identificado eventos letrados comunes en las seis experiencias estudiadas: la lectura
compartida, la interpretación de objetos portadores de marcas y la escritura de notas
por parte de los niños. En cuanto al segundo, se han identificado conceptualizaciones
de los niños pertenecientes a las etapas de escritura: presilábico, silábico, silábico -
alfabético y alfabético. En suma, este es un antecedente para estudios cuantitativos
de mayor alcance en relación a la adquisición de la literacidad emergente en el hogar.
In this research the process of acquisition of children's emergent writing is studied from the sociocultural and psychogenetic approaches. Therefore, it is recognized that children elaborate conceptualizations about the conventional principles of the writing system from immersion in literacy experiences. In this regard, the family is identified as the first scenario of literacy practices, and in a context of remote education as a result of COVID-19, the only one. Consequently, it is established as a general objective to analyze literacy practices that are carried out in the home of 5-year-old children for the acquisition of emergent writing, which requires the achievement of two specific objectives: (1) Describe the literacy practices in the home of these children, from the perception of the parents and (2) Describe their emergent writing process. This is done under a qualitative and a descriptive-level approach. Regarding the first specific objective, common literary events have been identified in the six experiences studied: shared reading, interpretation of objects bearing marks and writing of notes by children. Regarding the second, conceptualizations of children belonging to the writing stages have been identified: pre-syllabic, syllabic, syllabic-alphabetic and alphabetic. In sum, this is a precedent for more far-reaching quantitative studies in relation to the acquisition of emergent literacy at home.
In this research the process of acquisition of children's emergent writing is studied from the sociocultural and psychogenetic approaches. Therefore, it is recognized that children elaborate conceptualizations about the conventional principles of the writing system from immersion in literacy experiences. In this regard, the family is identified as the first scenario of literacy practices, and in a context of remote education as a result of COVID-19, the only one. Consequently, it is established as a general objective to analyze literacy practices that are carried out in the home of 5-year-old children for the acquisition of emergent writing, which requires the achievement of two specific objectives: (1) Describe the literacy practices in the home of these children, from the perception of the parents and (2) Describe their emergent writing process. This is done under a qualitative and a descriptive-level approach. Regarding the first specific objective, common literary events have been identified in the six experiences studied: shared reading, interpretation of objects bearing marks and writing of notes by children. Regarding the second, conceptualizations of children belonging to the writing stages have been identified: pre-syllabic, syllabic, syllabic-alphabetic and alphabetic. In sum, this is a precedent for more far-reaching quantitative studies in relation to the acquisition of emergent literacy at home.
Escritura--Estudio y enseñanza (Preescolar), Niños--Escritura
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