El nivel de felicidad de trabajadores de una empresa minera, Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como finalidad identificar el nivel de
percepción de felicidad del personal administrativo de una Compañía minera ubicada en el
Perú en el año 2018. Ello a partir de considerar que los resultados obtenidos serán de utilidad
para la toma de decisiones respecto de las políticas que viene aplicando la Compañía con sus
trabajadores. Para lograrlo se utilizó la encuesta de Felicidad de Lima de Alarcón (2006) que
considera cuatro aspectos o factores de la felicidad, que son: (a) sentido positivo de la vida,
(b) satisfacción con la vida, (c) realización personal, y (d) la alegría de vivir. En el estudio se
evaluó un total de 273 trabajadores que laboran en las distintas oficinas y unidades mineras,
propiedad de la Compañía minera. Ello representó el primer diagnóstico de la felicidad
realizada en la Compañía.
Los resultados obtenidos mostraron un valor de 110.98 en dicha escala, lo que
evidenció que el 53.48% de la muestra superó dicho promedio y se obtuvo un Alfa de
Cronbach global de 0.9145. Los resultados permitieron identificar además el nivel de
percepción de felicidad por segmentación (unidad minera, estado civil, género, tiempo de
servicio, edad, unidad-oficina, rango y área de trabajo), lo que permitió contrastar resultados
y analizar los datos para llegar a conclusiones que sirvieron para elaborar sugerencias de
planes de acción para mejorar la percepción de felicidad de los trabajadores administrativos
de la Compañía minera.
The purpose of this research work was to identify the level of happiness perception of the administrative staff of a mining company located in Peru in 2018, in order to obtain results that will be useful for making decisions regarding the policies that the Company is applying with its workers. For this purpose, Alarcon’s happiness survey of Lima (2006) was used, which considers four aspects or factors of happiness, which are: (a) positive life sense, (b) satisfaction with life, (c) personal fulfillment, and (d) joy of living. In this research, 273 employees working in the different offices and mining units owned by the mining company were evaluated. This represented the first diagnosis of happiness made in the Company. The results show a value of 110.98 on this scale, which made evident that 53.48% of the sample exceeded that average and a global Cronbach's Alpha of 0.9145 was obtained. The results also allowed to identify the level of happiness perception by segmentation (mining unit, status, gender, service time, age, unit-office, rank and work area) which allowed to compare results and analyze the data to reach conclusions, which in turn helped to make suggestions for action plans to improve the happiness perception of the administrative workers of the mining Company.
The purpose of this research work was to identify the level of happiness perception of the administrative staff of a mining company located in Peru in 2018, in order to obtain results that will be useful for making decisions regarding the policies that the Company is applying with its workers. For this purpose, Alarcon’s happiness survey of Lima (2006) was used, which considers four aspects or factors of happiness, which are: (a) positive life sense, (b) satisfaction with life, (c) personal fulfillment, and (d) joy of living. In this research, 273 employees working in the different offices and mining units owned by the mining company were evaluated. This represented the first diagnosis of happiness made in the Company. The results show a value of 110.98 on this scale, which made evident that 53.48% of the sample exceeded that average and a global Cronbach's Alpha of 0.9145 was obtained. The results also allowed to identify the level of happiness perception by segmentation (mining unit, status, gender, service time, age, unit-office, rank and work area) which allowed to compare results and analyze the data to reach conclusions, which in turn helped to make suggestions for action plans to improve the happiness perception of the administrative workers of the mining Company.
Felicidad y productividad laboral, Felicidad profesional, Investigación cuantitativa