Pasa la pelota: Futbolistas peruanas en la prensa escrita limeña. La Liga Femenina de Fútbol 2021-2022
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La historia del fútbol femenino peruano se abre paso a una etapa de
exposición que proviene de la televisación del torneo de primera división. Es en
dicho contexto que el objetivo de la presente investigación propone analizar el
encuadre de género en el tratamiento informativo de la prensa escrita limeña
sobre la Liga Femenina de Fútbol durante sus ediciones 2021 y 2022. Esto se
llevó a cabo por medio del análisis de contenido y del discurso de las notas
periodísticas de cuatro diarios: “Líbero”, “Dépor”, “El Comercio” y “Trome”,
complementado con entrevistas semi estructuradas a periodistas deportivas. Los
hallazgos sostienen que aún existe un encuadre sexista que muestra a las
jugadoras como el “otro menor” frente a sus pares varones; así como el uso de
titulares llamativos que apelan a roles de género estereotipados. El fútbol
femenino, por muchos años invisibilizado, ha recorrido un camino de
subrepresentación hacia un tratamiento superficial y anecdótico de los
principales eventos del torneo mediante el uso de la nota breve como unidad
informativa preferida en los diarios en cuestión. En la actualidad, instituciones
internacionales y locales han tomado una postura activa en la erradicación de
estereotipos de género y discriminación que perjudica a las atletas en su
condición humana. Debido a ello, el rol del periodista frente al desafío de una
representación inclusiva resulta cada vez más urgente para un deporte en
camino a la profesionalización.
The history of women's soccer in Peru is gaining more attention through the televised coverage of the first division tournament, a significant milestone. In this context, the objective of this research is to analyze how Lima's newspapers gendered framed the Liga Femenina de Fútbol during its 2021 and 2022 editions. The analysis involved content and discourse analysis of journalistic articles from four newspapers “Líbero”, “Dépor”, “El Comercio” and “Trome”, and conducting semi-structured interviews with sports journalists. The findings reveal a sexist framing that portrays female players as inferior to their male counterparts, and the use of eye-catching headlines that reinforce gender stereotypes. Women's football, which was invisible for many years, has been underrepresented and often portrayed superficially in the newspapers through brief news articles. Efforts by international and local institutions are underway to combat gender stereotypes and discrimination against female athletes. Therefore, it is increasingly important for journalists to adopt an inclusive approach to representation, especially as women's football moves towards professionalization.
The history of women's soccer in Peru is gaining more attention through the televised coverage of the first division tournament, a significant milestone. In this context, the objective of this research is to analyze how Lima's newspapers gendered framed the Liga Femenina de Fútbol during its 2021 and 2022 editions. The analysis involved content and discourse analysis of journalistic articles from four newspapers “Líbero”, “Dépor”, “El Comercio” and “Trome”, and conducting semi-structured interviews with sports journalists. The findings reveal a sexist framing that portrays female players as inferior to their male counterparts, and the use of eye-catching headlines that reinforce gender stereotypes. Women's football, which was invisible for many years, has been underrepresented and often portrayed superficially in the newspapers through brief news articles. Efforts by international and local institutions are underway to combat gender stereotypes and discrimination against female athletes. Therefore, it is increasingly important for journalists to adopt an inclusive approach to representation, especially as women's football moves towards professionalization.
Jugadoras de fútbol--Perú, Periodismo deportivo--Perú, Prensa--Perú, Sexismo en los medios de comunicación de masas--Perú, Estereotipo (Psicología social)--Perú
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