Limitaciones en la predictibilidad en la evaluación de los impactos ambientales de proyectos de exploración minera y su implicancia en la competitividad minera del Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La investigación desarrolla contenido relacionado a la Exploración minera, los
instrumentos de gestión ambiental, las metodologías para la identificación y evaluación
de los impactos ambientales, el proceso de evaluación de los instrumentos de gestión
ambiental y la afectación a la competitividad minera, todo ello, con la finalidad de
alcanzar el objetivo principal de la investigación, el cual es “Incrementar la predictibilidad
en la Evaluación de los Impactos Ambientales de Proyectos de Exploración Minera”.
El método empleado en la investigación es propuesta del investigador, debido a la
carencia de investigaciones de similar naturaleza. Dicho método es ejecutado mediante
la aplicación de técnicas como: Análisis documental, Análisis de Calidad Regulatoria,
Encuestas estructuradas y Estudio de caso.
Tras el análisis de los capítulos “Identificación, caracterización y valoración de los
impactos” de las Declaraciones de Impacto Ambiental de Proyectos de Exploración
Minera de 41 casos estudiados y el análisis de la Guía para la identificación y
caracterización de impactos ambientales del MINAM, se concluyó que, la Guía no brinda
los lineamientos adecuados para el cumplimiento de los TDR. Además, las
observaciones realizadas al capítulo mencionado, por parte de la autoridad evaluadora,
difieren a pesar de tenerse casos similares, es decir no hay estandarización en los
criterios de evaluación, ni en las metodologías de identificación y evaluación de los
impactos ambientales. Todo ello, conlleva a la limitación de la predictibilidad del proceso
de evaluación de impactos ambientales y repercute en la competitividad minera del
The research develops content related to mining exploration, environmental management assessments, methodologies for the identification and evaluation of environmental impacts, the evaluation process of environmental management assessments and the impact on mining competitiveness, all with the purpose of achieving the main objective of the research, which is "Increase predictability in the Evaluation of Environmental Impacts of Mining Exploration Projects". The method used in the investigation is proposed by the researcher, due to the lack of investigations of a similar nature. Said method is executed through the application of techniques such as: Documentary analysis, Regulatory Quality Analysis, Structured Surveys and Case Study. After the analysis of the chapters "Identification, characterization and assessment of the impacts" of the Environmental Impact Declarations (DIA) of Mining Exploration Projects of 41 cases studied and the analysis of the Guide for the identification and characterization of environmental impacts of the MINAM, it was concluded that the Guide does not provide adequate guidelines for compliance with the TOR. In addition, the observations made to the mentioned chapter, by the evaluating authority, differ despite having similar cases, for which, there is no standardization in the evaluation criteria, nor in the methodologies of identification and evaluation of environmental impacts. All this leads to the limitation of the predictability of the environmental impact assessment process and affects the mining competitiveness of Peru.
The research develops content related to mining exploration, environmental management assessments, methodologies for the identification and evaluation of environmental impacts, the evaluation process of environmental management assessments and the impact on mining competitiveness, all with the purpose of achieving the main objective of the research, which is "Increase predictability in the Evaluation of Environmental Impacts of Mining Exploration Projects". The method used in the investigation is proposed by the researcher, due to the lack of investigations of a similar nature. Said method is executed through the application of techniques such as: Documentary analysis, Regulatory Quality Analysis, Structured Surveys and Case Study. After the analysis of the chapters "Identification, characterization and assessment of the impacts" of the Environmental Impact Declarations (DIA) of Mining Exploration Projects of 41 cases studied and the analysis of the Guide for the identification and characterization of environmental impacts of the MINAM, it was concluded that the Guide does not provide adequate guidelines for compliance with the TOR. In addition, the observations made to the mentioned chapter, by the evaluating authority, differ despite having similar cases, for which, there is no standardization in the evaluation criteria, nor in the methodologies of identification and evaluation of environmental impacts. All this leads to the limitation of the predictability of the environmental impact assessment process and affects the mining competitiveness of Peru.
Minería--Perú, Gestión del medio ambiente--Perú
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