Creencias de las cuidadoras de un aula de 5 años de una I.E pública de Lima sobre la disciplina parental
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente estudio tiene por objetivo analizar las creencias de las cuidadoras de un
aula de 5 años de una I.E pública de Lima respecto a la disciplina parental. Este
estudio presenta un enfoque cualitativo y su alcance es descriptivo. En ese sentido,
se busca responder a la pregunta: ¿Cuáles son las creencias de las cuidadoras de un
aula de 5 años de una I.E pública de Lima respecto a la disciplina parental? Así, se
concluye que las cuidadoras poseen definiciones en torno al concepto de disciplina
parental: la forma en la que se educa o forma al niño; y el correcto comportamiento
de la persona, acatando normas sociales. También, se cree que la finalidad es que el
niño sea una buena y mejor persona, aprenda comportamientos deseables y tenga
una correcta formación. Además, se cree que las disciplinas inductiva y no violenta
son eficaces, por sobre las coercitiva, indiferente y violenta; sin embargo, aún
prevalece, en menor medida, la creencia de que estas últimas presentan cierto grado
de eficacia. Asimismo, se cree que la disciplina se transmite intergeneracionalmente
y que la forma en cómo se ejerce ha cambiado a través de los años, siendo ahora
menos coercitiva y violenta. En cuanto a los aportes de la investigación, esta ofrece
conocimiento acerca de las prácticas disciplinares, promoviendo que se conozca la
importancia y el estado actual de la disciplina parental en las familias; e influyendo en
los lineamientos y estrategias que se planteen para el trabajo con los cuidadores.
The objective of this study is to analyze the beliefs of the caregivers of a 5-year-old´ classroom in a public school in Lima regarding parental discipline. This study presents a qualitative approach and its scope is descriptive. In this sense, it seeks to answer the question: What are the beliefs of the caregivers of a 5-year-old classroom in a public school in Lima regarding parental discipline? Thus, it is concluded that caregivers have definitions around the parental discipline concept: how the child is educated or trained; and the correct behavior of the person, respecting social norms. Also, it is believed that the child’s purpose is to be a good and a better person, learn the desired behaviors and have a correct training. In addition, it is believed that inductive and non-violent disciplines are effective, over coercive, indifferent and violent ones. However, the belief still prevails, to a lesser extent, that the latter have a certain degree of efficacy. Likewise, it is believed that discipline is transmitted intergenerationally and that the way in which it is exercised has changed over the years, now being less coercive and violent. Regarding the contributions of the research, it offers knowledge about disciplinary practices, promoting knowledge of the importance and current state of parental discipline in families; and influencing the guidelines and strategies proposed for working with caregivers.
The objective of this study is to analyze the beliefs of the caregivers of a 5-year-old´ classroom in a public school in Lima regarding parental discipline. This study presents a qualitative approach and its scope is descriptive. In this sense, it seeks to answer the question: What are the beliefs of the caregivers of a 5-year-old classroom in a public school in Lima regarding parental discipline? Thus, it is concluded that caregivers have definitions around the parental discipline concept: how the child is educated or trained; and the correct behavior of the person, respecting social norms. Also, it is believed that the child’s purpose is to be a good and a better person, learn the desired behaviors and have a correct training. In addition, it is believed that inductive and non-violent disciplines are effective, over coercive, indifferent and violent ones. However, the belief still prevails, to a lesser extent, that the latter have a certain degree of efficacy. Likewise, it is believed that discipline is transmitted intergenerationally and that the way in which it is exercised has changed over the years, now being less coercive and violent. Regarding the contributions of the research, it offers knowledge about disciplinary practices, promoting knowledge of the importance and current state of parental discipline in families; and influencing the guidelines and strategies proposed for working with caregivers.
Educación preescolar--Perú--Lima--Investigaciones, Cuidado de niños--Perú, Disciplina escolar, Educación en la primera infancia
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