Informe jurídico sobre Resolución N° 00413-2022-PHC/TC
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe analiza los límites legales en una intervención policial que compromete las libertades personales de una pareja de esposos por la presunta comisión de hechos delictivos que configura flagrancia. Este análisis se realiza bajo la perspectiva del buen gobierno, asegurando que las acciones policiales no sólo respeten los derechos humanos, sino que también se manejen dentro de los principios del buen gobierno como transparencia, rendición de cuentas, corrección, legalidad y eficacia. Así, se busca garantizar que las intervenciones policiales sean legítimas y refuercen la confianza en las autoridades.
Por ello, el informe se realiza en base del marco constitucional y legal de la institución policial, que garantiza una actuación de calidad y fortalece la confianza en las autoridades policiales y el respeto por los derechos humanos.
Desde una visión crítica, sostiene que el derecho a la libertad personal no es
absoluto, ya que puede haber una razón legal que permita garantizar la protección de un bien jurídico como la seguridad ciudadana, que es una demanda constante de la sociedad. Por ello, la detención no es arbitraria si cumple con el marco legal y tiene como finalidad detener la comisión de delitos que atentan contra el orden público.
The present report analyzes the legal boundaries in a police intervention that compromises the personal freedoms of a married couple for the alleged commission of criminal acts constituting flagrante delicto. This analysis is conducted from the perspective of good governance, ensuring that police actions not only respect human rights but also adhere to the principles of good governance such as transparency, accountability, propriety, legality, and effectiveness. Thus, it seeks to guarantee that police interventions are legitimate and reinforce trust in the authorities. Therefore, the report is based on the constitutional and legal framework of the police institution, which guarantees quality performance and strengthens trust in police authorities and respect for human rights. From a critical perspective, it argues that the right to personal liberty is not absolute, as there may be a legal reason that allows for the protection of a legal good such as public safety, which is a constant demand of society. Therefore, detention is not arbitrary if it complies with the legal framework and aims to stop the commission of crimes that threaten public order.
The present report analyzes the legal boundaries in a police intervention that compromises the personal freedoms of a married couple for the alleged commission of criminal acts constituting flagrante delicto. This analysis is conducted from the perspective of good governance, ensuring that police actions not only respect human rights but also adhere to the principles of good governance such as transparency, accountability, propriety, legality, and effectiveness. Thus, it seeks to guarantee that police interventions are legitimate and reinforce trust in the authorities. Therefore, the report is based on the constitutional and legal framework of the police institution, which guarantees quality performance and strengthens trust in police authorities and respect for human rights. From a critical perspective, it argues that the right to personal liberty is not absolute, as there may be a legal reason that allows for the protection of a legal good such as public safety, which is a constant demand of society. Therefore, detention is not arbitrary if it complies with the legal framework and aims to stop the commission of crimes that threaten public order.
Perú. Tribunal Constitucional--Jurisprudencia, Derechos fundamentales--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Derechos civiles--Perú, Libertad (Derecho)
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