La incorporación del enfoque social en la formación pre profesional de los estudiantes de medicina de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos y su influencia en una adecuada práctica profesional en las etapas de internado y SERUMS
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La formación de profesionales médicos en el Perú ha evolucionado en los últimos 80
años hacia una formación más biologicista que humanista. En razón de lo señalado, el
objetivo del presente estudio se orienta a conocer de qué manera la incorporación del
enfoque social en la formación profesional de los estudiantes de medicina de la
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos influye en el desarrollo de su práctica
profesional durante las etapas de internado y SERUMS.
La investigación corresponde a un estudio de caso donde para la recolección de
información se ha usado técnicas como focus group, entrevistas semiestructuradas y una
revisión de literatura e información secundaria relevante a la investigación.
Las recomendaciones emanadas de este estudio concluyen en la necesidad de fortalecer
el enfoque social en la formación y entrenamiento de los profesionales médicos en la
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, mediante 3 acciones: Aumentar el
creditaje/horas de los cursos con enfoque social, reorientar el espacio de formación
médica, que es principalmente hospitalaria, hacia la comunidad y generar incentivos
necesarios desde instituciones rectoras de salud, para que las universidades puedan
impulsar estos cambios.
En momentos en los cuales se debate las reformas del sistema de salud que el país
necesita, nuestra investigación contribuye con aportes al componente de educación
The training of medical professionals in Peru has evolved in the last 80 years towards a more biological than humanistic training. In view of the above, the objective of this study is to know how the incorporation of the social approach in the professional training of medical students of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos influences the development of their professional practice during the internship and SERUMS stages. The research corresponds to a case study where the collection of information has used qualitative techniques such as focus groups, semi-structured interviews and a review of literature and secondary information relevant to the research. The recommendations emanating from this study conclude on the need to strengthen the social approach in the education and training of medical professionals at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, through 3 actions: Increase the credit/hours of courses with a social focus, reorient the medical training space, which is mainly hospital, towards the community; and generate necessary incentives from governing health institutions. so that universities can drive these changes. At a time when the health system reforms that the country needs are being debated, our research contributes to the medical education component.
The training of medical professionals in Peru has evolved in the last 80 years towards a more biological than humanistic training. In view of the above, the objective of this study is to know how the incorporation of the social approach in the professional training of medical students of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos influences the development of their professional practice during the internship and SERUMS stages. The research corresponds to a case study where the collection of information has used qualitative techniques such as focus groups, semi-structured interviews and a review of literature and secondary information relevant to the research. The recommendations emanating from this study conclude on the need to strengthen the social approach in the education and training of medical professionals at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, through 3 actions: Increase the credit/hours of courses with a social focus, reorient the medical training space, which is mainly hospital, towards the community; and generate necessary incentives from governing health institutions. so that universities can drive these changes. At a time when the health system reforms that the country needs are being debated, our research contributes to the medical education component.
Médicos--Formación profesional--Perú, Médicos--Ética profesional--Perú, Salud pública--Perú, Médicos y pacientes--Perú
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