Informe Jurídico de la Casación Nº 67-2017-Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe jurídico contiene un análisis del delito de negociación incompatible, a
partir de los problemas jurídicos identificados en la Casación Nº 67-2017-Lima, emitida por
la Segunda Sala Penal Transitoria. El recurso de casación que se resuelve en dicha sentencia
fue interpuesto por Jorge Luis Vergel Polo y las empresas Consorcio DHMONT & M S.A.C.
e HIDROINGENIERÍA S.R.L., en el marco de la contratación pública asociada a la obra de
“Remodelación, Rehabilitación y Reforzamiento de la Infraestructura Educativa y
Equipamiento de la I.E. 1070 – Melitón Carbajal”. Entre los objetivos de este informe se
encuentran el establecer cuál es el bien jurídico del delito de negociación incompatible, así
como la naturaleza del cargo que debe tener el funcionario público para efectos de la
configuración del tipo penal; sin embargo, el objetivo principal consiste en determinar si el
delito mencionado puede ser atribuible a un funcionario público, a partir de una conducta
omisiva en el ejercicio de sus funciones. Al respecto, el informe jurídico tiene como hipótesis
que sí es posible considerar la omisión para dar por configurada la conducta típica, siempre y
cuando se acredite un interés indebido y una falta de imparcialidad por parte del funcionario
vinculado a una determinada obra u operación pública.
The present legal report contains an analysis of the incompatible negotiation as a crime, on the basis of the legal problems identified on the cassation appeal Nº 67-2017-Lima, issued by the Second Transitory Criminal Court. The appeal that is resolved in the cassation, was filed by Jorge Luis Vergel Polo and the companies DHMONT & M S.A.C. and HIDROINGENIERÍA S.R.L., within the framework of the public procurement associated to the construction project “Remodeling, rehabilitation and reinforcement of the educational infrastructure and equipping of I.E. 1070 – Meliton Carbajal”. Among the objectives of this report, there is the establishment of the protected legal interest in the crime of incompatible negotiation, as well as the nature of the position held by the public official for the purposes of the configuration of the criminal type; however, the principal objective is to determine if said crime can be attributed to a public official, based on an omissive behavior in the line of duty. In this regard, the legal report has as a hypothesis that it is indeed possible to consider the omission to configure the criminal conduct, as long as it is evidenced that there is an undue interest and a lack of impartiality on the part of the public official associated to a public procurement.
The present legal report contains an analysis of the incompatible negotiation as a crime, on the basis of the legal problems identified on the cassation appeal Nº 67-2017-Lima, issued by the Second Transitory Criminal Court. The appeal that is resolved in the cassation, was filed by Jorge Luis Vergel Polo and the companies DHMONT & M S.A.C. and HIDROINGENIERÍA S.R.L., within the framework of the public procurement associated to the construction project “Remodeling, rehabilitation and reinforcement of the educational infrastructure and equipping of I.E. 1070 – Meliton Carbajal”. Among the objectives of this report, there is the establishment of the protected legal interest in the crime of incompatible negotiation, as well as the nature of the position held by the public official for the purposes of the configuration of the criminal type; however, the principal objective is to determine if said crime can be attributed to a public official, based on an omissive behavior in the line of duty. In this regard, the legal report has as a hypothesis that it is indeed possible to consider the omission to configure the criminal conduct, as long as it is evidenced that there is an undue interest and a lack of impartiality on the part of the public official associated to a public procurement.
Recurso de casación--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Centros educativos--Diseño y construcción--Legislación--Perú, Negociación--Legislación--Perú
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