El derecho a la desconexión digital como norma permanente, una garantía al descanso diario y al disfrute del tiempo libre
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Los avances tecnológicos han ido abarcando los distintos países del mundo, el uso de las
tecnologías trajo consigo cambios para las empresas y también para las relaciones laborales.
Por su gran conectividad, las TIC están llegando a afectar derechos reconocidos de los
trabajadores, como son el límite de la jornada laboral y el descanso propiciando la incorporación
del “Derecho a la desconexión” en diversas legislaciones. El objeto de esta investigación es
determinar las razones por las que nuestra legislación debe adoptar el derecho a la desconexión
como una norma legal permanente a pesar de la presencia normativa del derecho al descanso y
del límite de la jornada laboral, con el fin de garantizar a los trabajadores la recuperación física y
mental a través de un adecuado descanso diario. Para esto se realiza un análisis descriptivo de
la evolución tecnológica en el mundo y a nivel nacional, además de su repercusión en las
empresas como en los trabajos, se hace un repaso a la norma nacional e internacional sobre la
jornada de trabajo, el derecho al descanso y el disfrute del tiempo libre, se reflexiona sobre las
afectaciones físicas y psicológicas producto de largas jornadas de trabajo, se lleva a cabo un
análisis comparado del “Derecho a la desconexión” implementadas en otros países para
finalmente revisar la evolución normativa nacional en lo que respecta a este derecho. Por su
relevancia, se considera necesario regular el derecho a la desconexión digital a través de una
norma específica, como “medio” a través del cual se garantice un debido descanso a los
trabajadores de cara a la hiperconectividad o a la imposibilidad de negarse a seguir órdenes
luego de terminada su jornada laboral.
Technological advances have been covering the different countries of the world and the use of technologies brought changes to companies and also for labor relations. Due to its great connectivity, ICTs are coming to affect the recognized rights of workers, such as the limit of the working day and rest, promoting the incorporation of the "Right to disconnection" in various legislations. The purpose of this research is to determine the reasons why our legislation should adopt the right to disconnection as a permanent legal norm despite the normative presence of the right to rest and the limit of the working day, in order to guarantee workers physical and mental recovery through adequate daily rest. For this purpose, a descriptive analysis of the technological evolution in the world and at national level is carried out, in addition to its repercussion in the companies as in the workers, a review is made of the national and international regulations on a working day, the right to rest and the enjoyment of free time, reflecting on the physical and psychological effects resulting from long working hours, carrying out a comparative analysis of the "Right to disconnection" implemented in other countries to finally review the evolution of national regulations in what regards this right. Due to its relevance, it is considered necessary to regulate the right to digital disconnection through a specific standard, as a “means” through which workers are guaranteed due rest in the face of hyperconnectivity or the impossibility of refusing to follow orders after the end of their working day.
Technological advances have been covering the different countries of the world and the use of technologies brought changes to companies and also for labor relations. Due to its great connectivity, ICTs are coming to affect the recognized rights of workers, such as the limit of the working day and rest, promoting the incorporation of the "Right to disconnection" in various legislations. The purpose of this research is to determine the reasons why our legislation should adopt the right to disconnection as a permanent legal norm despite the normative presence of the right to rest and the limit of the working day, in order to guarantee workers physical and mental recovery through adequate daily rest. For this purpose, a descriptive analysis of the technological evolution in the world and at national level is carried out, in addition to its repercussion in the companies as in the workers, a review is made of the national and international regulations on a working day, the right to rest and the enjoyment of free time, reflecting on the physical and psychological effects resulting from long working hours, carrying out a comparative analysis of the "Right to disconnection" implemented in other countries to finally review the evolution of national regulations in what regards this right. Due to its relevance, it is considered necessary to regulate the right to digital disconnection through a specific standard, as a “means” through which workers are guaranteed due rest in the face of hyperconnectivity or the impossibility of refusing to follow orders after the end of their working day.
Derecho laboral--Legislación--Perú, Jornada de trabajo--Legislación--Perú, Innovaciones tecnológicas--Perú, Periodos de descanso--Legislación--Perú
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